3) outburst

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Jungkook POV

Today was the first day back at school, only now Jimin would be joining me. I'm not exactly sure why, but when thinking of him, I feel embarrassed and ashamed about my current status at school.

As you can imagine, I dont do well in my classes, I fuck around.. and.. well.. your stereotype of a playboy.
I have my reasons for this, I swear I do, but nobody's ever going to know them. I doubt anybodys ever going to get close enough.

Walking downstairs already dressed I hear my dad calling me "Jungkook, put yourself to use and walk with Jimin to school? Make sure he doesnt get hurt!" he spoke from the lounge as I was getting breakfast in the kitchen.

It's always been this way, I've never been noticed until something is needed to be done, then suddenly I am visable to him, and theres never any please.. it's always a command.

But this time it hit differently, because the last sentance showed no regard towards my safety.. do I even exist in his eyes?
Why do I even care?
fuck him.

I stay silent and wait for Jimin by the door, only to be greeting by an adorable smile, and almost closed eyes.

"Hey Jungkook, how you doing?" Jimin asked as we walked out the door, his walk being more of a skip than a walk.

"okay" I said bluntly, I have no reason to be mad at him, just because my father prefers him doesnt give me reason to hate him, mentally slapping myself I tried a better reply
"Sorry, I'm doing pretty well.. just thinking about shit." to which Jimin nodded and replied "if you need somebody to talk to im here hey?"

My blood boiled at this, and my anger took over "Jimin just shut up, I don't need your help, just leave me alone for fucks sake" I yelled as I scrunched my hair into my hands and stormed into the school.

Reaching my locker, Sey-ah walked up, putting her hands around my waist, looking up at me before speaking, "You know Kook, I have maths in first period and I dont particularly feel like calculating what X is... why dont you say we sneak out and have a little fun, all to ourselves?"

I wasnt even listening to her, for some reason my mind was stuck on that fucker Jimin.
Why did I feel so bad for yelling at him?
Why do I feel when I'm around him..?

Quickly pushing Sey-ah away with some dumb excuse, I went onto the rooftop for some fresh air.


Jimins POV

After Jungkook left at the front of the gates, I was lost and unsure of what to do with myself, I tried asking people where I needed to go but everybody seemed so caught up on their phones, or just walking to wherever that I gave up asking

Walking myself through the halls of the classroom blocks I found a staircase that seemed to lead up to the roof, I had nothing better to do.. so let's just think of this as an 'introduction day!'

I opened the door and peaked around, noticing a far too familiar figure sitting there, staring out over the roof, walking up to him and sitting down, taking in a breath of air

"Hi Jungkook" I said quietly trying not to startle him.
My attempt didnt work as his head quickly shot to my side, although he jumped a little his eyes showed no fear, but rather a release of pressure.

"Jimin!? You're not mad at me? Listen I'm so sorry dude I just frea-"

I cut him off not really needing to hear his reasons "No Jungkook, why would I be mad? We all have reasons, I dont know what's going on in your mind." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder, understandingly.

Jungkook just nodded, probably thinking about something, to which we just sat in silence, a comfortable silence as we both inhaled the air, and exhaled our worries.


Jungkook POV

Jimin.. he's.. he's such an enigma, I just dont understand how hes so perfect at school, at being pretty and at calming people down.

I really dont know what was happening to my heart but all I know, is the more time I spent with Jimin.. the more I felt my heart, the beats speeding up, my breath hitching every few seconds..

Jimin.. what have you done?

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