5) lil meow meow

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Jimin POV

I left the sitting room thinking about what just happened, I may or may not have just slipped it to Jungkook that I'm gay, I've always known I was gay.. since a little boy.

My eomma always taught me be nice to girls, dont play with girls hearts. And nice I was.. so nice, that i left them for other boys to have.

Nothing about them attracted me.. in the nicest way possible I suppose, if there is a nice way to say 'I'm don't find you attractive in any way, shape or form'

And all those times I'd watch TV series and crush on all the men when apparently I was supposed to be falling head over heels for the women.

So yes, I have always known I was gay but, other people knowing I'm gay? That's a different story..

Seeing as my eomma always said once I marry a beautiful wife she wants to see beautiful children running around, she loves children.
So I was scared hearing the news wouldnt be something shed want to know about. So, I just pretended I hadn't found the perfect girl yet.

Saying I wasnt interested in relationships as I wanted to focus on my school work would be the biggest lie of the century, I'd be more than ready for a relationship, just.. not with a female.

Nobody ever questioned me, I suppose they just saw my good marks and assumed I'd have a set out future, I dont blame them, this closed minded world has built people to think like that

good grades means a good future which implies happiness.

But sadly, when you're denying yourself the opportunity to be yourself, the world gets a bit more complicated.

I decided early on in my life that seeing as I couldnt solve my own problems, I'd help other people with theirs.

Since helping others made me happy.

Id find happiness in them, since everyone seems to have an abundance in problems these days, and nobody to speak to.

So I started on this quest, to make sure all my friends and family are alright and not hurting. Even if I can take their pain from 100 down to 98 or 99, one step is still a step in the right direction.

Earlier that week I had met a guy named Suga, I suppose he had noticed I liked helping people.

He came up to me and asked to talk about sexuality, which scared me a bit.. as obviously I was hiding my own sexuality.

But turns out, he just needed a little pep talk, and he asked his friend Hoseok out and his words were "yes suga! I was waiting for you to ask me out. Goddamn took you long enough lil meow meow!" I died at the lil meow meow part, so cute!

Although he did say that he'd hunt me down if I told anybody that.. so shhhh, dont tell anybody.

End of Part 5

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