8) tears

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Jungkook POV

I cant believe it.
Sey-ah? Really?
I had almost lost my mind at this point.

Clearly I dont have good luck with the female species, first the accident with my mom.. now my girlfriend.

I started thinking.. the only thing these two women have in common, is they both know me.. so maybe I'm the problem?

I don't even know anymore, my mind is failing me as I shut down, slouching against the wall of the roof top.

I hear the door click open, but I dont open my eyes. "Get the fuck away." I growl, not even bothering if it's a teacher or if its Sey-ah.

I just want to be alone.

"Jungkook, please talk to me?" Jimins fragile voice asked.


Jimin POV

I found him, he is alright. I exhaled a huge breathe I had been holding, breathe Jimin, he is safe.

I walked up to him, "Get the fuck away." I heard him say.

'my lord jungkook, what if that was a teacher!' I tsked at him in my mind.

"Jungkook, please talk to me?" I asked gently, not wanting to seem demanding.

"Jimin!?" His eyes shot open, looking relieved yet.. broken.

"Hey kook, just breathe alright?" I said, not even bothering to talk about what just happened yet.

First task: calm him down.


Jungkook POV

That nickname..

Sey-ah had used it before.. but when Jimin said it, it sounded so pure, so calming, so... right.

My eyes relaxed when looking at him, my body felt at ease.

"Hey Jungkook? Have you ever wondered why my hair is blonde?" Jimin asked out of the blue, come to think of it... no.. no I didnt.

"No, actually I dont" I replied, looking for an answer in his eyes.

"Its a really long story, and it's very emotional for me, so uh.. if I cry, just ignore it alright?" Jimin said, warily nodding his head.

"I wont ignore it, I'll hug you and let you continue the story" I said proudly, wait.. wtf Jungkook.. when have you ever initiated a hug..

"Alrighty then, when I was younger I had pitch black hair, it was just like my fathers, his hair was dead straight, and as black as the night sky. But something drove me and my dad apart, something I caused.

I'm gay Jungkook, homosexual. My dad was against this, he didnt like it.. at all, he would beat me and call me names. I didnt like it, I hated it to be exact. Every second of it.

My mom later divorced him and we moved away for my safety. But I always felt haunted by having the exact same hair as him. As silly as it sounds, dying my hair the opposite, gave my mind peace. Peace from the inner turmoil my father had caused.

So that's pretty much why, I'm not sure if itll always be this way, I'm not sure when the mental scars will heal, but that's why." Jimin smiled, most likely feeling relieved.

While I..?

I started crying

End of Part 8

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