4) difficult

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Jungkook POV

Days went by, Jimin has gotten comfortable at school, he's earned some new friends and is even the teachers favourite, I swear those teachers only pick their favourites depending on the marks as all the good marks will make the teachers teaching look good.

But besides that, my emotions to Jimin were only getting stronger.

Being scared of what was happening to me I started playing around with Sey-ah more which I'm sure she was enjoying but me?
I felt more and more disgusted with myself everyday playing with Sey-ah, I felt as if I was cheating in a relationship that wasnt even a thing.

Jimin on the other hand.. I'm sure he doesnt even think about me this way, I dont even think he thinks about relationships, meanwhile I'm busy questioning if I'm gay.

I couldn't accept it, how the fuck could I be gay, I am perfect fuck boy material, hot, buff, not good in grades so why the hell is my mind wondering if I'm interested in guys.
'I SHOULD BE FUCKING WOMEN FOR GODS SAKE!' I screamed in my mind as this inner turmoil went on, slowly consuming every thought i had.

I gave up with trying to calm my thoughts as I walked into the living room to watch some TV, only to see Jimin, sitting there with his phone smiling sweetly.

"Oh hey Jungkook!" He looked up

"Sup dude" I sat down, swallowing all my feelings.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin questioned.

"Technically you just did.." i responded, deflecting any potential questions that would stress me out.

"I- good point, well my I ask you another question then?" He tried again.

"Well, again.. you just did.." I replied being difficult.

"Ugh! Jeon Jungkook!!" He slightly raised his voice while giggling in frustrated

'He is adorable when hes frustrated' I thought to myself

"Sorry, I had to, but what was it you wanted to ask?" I replied after laughing at his reaction.

"Ah yeah! What's your opinion on being gay and LGBTQ in general?"

I froze.



I felt attacked, does he know?
Do I even know?

"I-I'm n-not gay b-but I suppose I d-dont mind..." shit. you can clearly hear the panic in my voice

I suddenly heard him chuckle, "I didnt ask if you were gay silly. Why are you panicking"

I choked on my own saliva, "ahaha yeah I knew that, I was just saying incase. I'm straight, definitely straight." I said quickly

"Ah what a shame, I wouldnt judge you either way, who knows, we might of had something in common." He said before getting up and leaving.

I just sat there, what the fuck just happened.

Stepbrothers /JIKOOK/Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon