14. The confession

Start from the beginning

"Is that my phone.." she says with squinted eyes and I extend my arm giving the phone to her dumbfounded.

She takes it looking at the screen and puts it on her ear."Hello, Vicky.." she says and walks to the balcony. Vicky ? His name us Vikram..

Honestly, my first instinct is to go after her, but instead of pissing her off further I change into my shorts for the night and get in bed.

I was scrolling down the insta feed when she came inside still on the phone.

"And call me if there's any change..." She says and he says something.

"No.. Whatever the time.. just call me okay.." she says and hangs up, keeping the phone on the bedside table.

"WHAT.." she says and I realize that I was staring at her.

"Grandma will have a heart attack if she saw you wearing that.." I say turning my attention back to the screen with a smirk , so she knows I'm joking.

"Honestly, don't care.." she says and gets in bed.

"You forgot to turn off the lights.." I say casually, back to scrolling through my insta feed.

"It's on your side.." she says picking up the blanket.

"But I am already in bed.." I say and shrug my shoulders.

"I turned it off yesterday.." She abruptly replies as if this was a competition.

"soo.." I say..

"So, you should do it today.." she says and I shake my head.

"Then let's leave them on.. I have no problem.." I say, knowingly very well that she can't sleep with the light on. She huffs getting up going to the switch turning it off, and then the lamp on my side of the bed and then walks to her side of the bed turning of the lamp there and getting in bed.

I keep my phone aside and put my head on the pillow.

"Ayra.." I say and look up at the dark ceiling.

"Hmm.." she mutters.

"Whose Vicky to you ?" I say and almost regret it after it was out of my mouth. She turns to look at me.

"Ohh.. He's my ex.. My dad didn't like him.. So we never got married.." She says with a huff and I put my head up supported by my elbow as she looks at me, trying to look serious but a smile tugging at her lips, until she bursts.

"hahahahahahahahhhahhahhhaaaa" she laughs out loud, hearty and deep and it felt like the world was a better place.. I hadn't heard her laugh with everything going on with her dad. But now that I heard it, I knew I won't ever be tired of hearing this.

"oh my god.. No.. Okay.." she says clutching her stomach tight in mockery.

"He's just my best friend and colleague.. Haha.." she says still laughing and I frown.

"I didn't find it funny.." I say and she smiles.

"Look.. We both are good friends.. that's it. That's why I met you for coffee that day.. Why would I meet you, if I had a guy in my life?" she says "and you call yourself a good detective.." She adds.

"You could have been forced by your parents.. It's not always your own choice.. Like it was the pressure from Chetan and Mom that I ended up at the coffee shop."

I shouldn't have said that. Should I ?

"Oh.. Soo you didn't want to get married.."

"I don't know, before I could form an opinion, you had already rejected me."

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