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"Aliens?" Bobby closed his eyes, starting to get annoyed at whatever this was.

"Yeah." Sam and Dean confirmed in sync.

"Aliens!" He said again, to which (Y/n) said yeah. "Look, even if they are real, they're sure as hell not coming to Earth and swipin' people."

Dean's face fell; he was beginning to get annoyed by the reactions. "Hey, believe me, we know."

They watched Bobby's face morph from disbelief to surprise right back to disbelief. "My whole life, I've never found evidence of an honest-to-God abduction. It's all just cranks and pranks."

Sam looked out the window and shrugged. "Yeah, that's what we thought." He sighed, then crossed his arms. "But... we figured we'd at least talk to the guy."


Curtis slowly took a shot, glancing down at the table for a moment before taking another one.

"Hey, you ought to give those Purple Nurples a shot," Dean offered, trying to lighten the mood a little, but only receiving a glare from the jock.

Sam cleared his throat, also sending a glare toward Dean. "So, what happened, Curtis?"

The jock took his last shot then folded his arms, looking down at the table again. "You won't believe me. Nobody does."

(Y/n) took a seat and folded her arms, giving the politest smile she could muster. "We can believe a lot. Try us."

"I do not want this in the papers," Curtis warned them, a finger motioning to the three.

Dean nodded. "Off the record, then."

Curtis glanced at him for a moment, then back at the table. The siblings watched him gather his thoughts, before getting comfortable with where they were. "I, uh... I blacked out and..." Dean and Sam glanced at one another, but (Y/n) kept her eye on Curtis. "I lost time, and when I woke up... I don't know where I was."

Sam sat down next to (Y/n). "Then what?"

"They did... tests on me," Curtis' voice was shaky as he recalled the event. "And, uh..." he stopped poking at the shot glasses and downed another, having it linger in his hand while he collected more of his thoughts. "They, uh... they probed me."

Sam looked away to hide a smile while he scratched his head. (Y/n)'s upper lip twitched, but her face remained still. "They probed you?" She asked, her voice steady though she was trying to maintain her laughter.

Curtis gave her an 'obviously' look and nodded, tightening his grip on his jacket. "Yeah, they probed me. Again and a-again and-and again and a..." he trailed off as his eyes began to water, then he downed another shot. "And again and again and again and then one more time."

"Yikes." Dean deadpanned, thinking the situation over.

"No, and that's not even the worst of it." Curtis stopped them from saying any more.

"How could it get any worse?" Dean asked, laughing lightly. "Some alien made you his bitch." He hissed in pain when Sam smacked the back of his head, to which Curtis also glared at him.

Curtis looked away. "They... They made me... slow dance!"


"You guys are exaggerating again, huh?" Bobby interrupted, looking down at the three.

"No," they said in unison.

Bobby frowned. "Then, this frat boy's just nuts."

The eldest Winchester shook his head. "We're not so sure."


The Winchester siblings were behind the 'Crawford Hall' sign, staring down at a large hole in the ground.

"I'm telling you, guys, this was made by some kind of jet engine," Sam whispered to his siblings.

Dean looked at Sam, giving him a 'seriously' face. "What, you mean some saucer-shaped jet engine?"

"Well, what else could it be?" Sam asked, shrugging his shoulders.

(Y/n) sighed and stared up at the clouds, squinting as the rain began to hit her face. "What the hell?" Aliens. Slow dancing aliens. "This is one weird-ass case, guys."

Sam shrugged again. "I mean, first the haunting. Now, this? The timing alone, there's gotta be some kind of connection here."

The eldest scoffed. "You mean, between the angry spirit and the sexed-up ET?" Sam nodded. "And what could the connection possibly be?"


"But what could we do? So, we just kept on diggin'." Dean sighed, opening up a beer and taking a long drink of it. "Oh, and (Y/n)'s not in this one-"

"I needed something stronger than the beer at our friggin' motel, it's not like you don't do it, Dean." (Y/n) shot defensively, knowing that he was going to bitch about it.

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