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Daytime seemed to pass fast while the siblings were separated.

Dean was left alone the whole day to 'watch' the janitor. He mainly stayed outside Crawford Hall while doing so, just like (Y/n) had requested he do. But Dean wasn't all about following orders from his siblings- hell, he was the oldest.

"Eh, screw this," he jogged up the steps that led into the hall, looking around him for anyone who would call him out for doing so.

After entering the building, Dean made his way down the steps to where the lockers were, turning on his flashlight for some extra lighting. When there was nothing, he made his way back up the steps, moving the flashlight around his space in case something popped up.

When he reached the second floor, the flashlight was switched off, and a wooden stake dipped in one of the victim's blood replaced the emptiness in his hand. He planned to continue up the steps, scanning every inch of the building, but he stopped at the second floor's landing when music began to fill his ears.

His brows were furrowed in confusion as he followed the music. The journey he had taken led him to the auditorium, where Barry White's voice echoed through the room with multiple colored lights scanned the seats. His attention, however, fell onto the stage.

A large circular bed was placed in the center where two women, a brunette and blonde, wore lingerie covering little bits of their body, were lying down at each far corner seductively. There was a canopy looming above them, a disco ball spinning in the middle.

Dean looked around as he closed the door, a bit confused as to what he was looking at.

As he walked down the steps, closer to the stage, the women crawled forward, giving him seductive smiles. "We've been waiting for you, Dean," the brunette said when she and the blonde reached the edge of the circular bed.

As he stared at the two women, a nervous smile on his lips, he realized something about this situation. "Y-You guys aren't real," he replied slowly.

The brunette and blonde moved, so their cleavage showed more. "Trust me, sugar, it's gonna feel real," the brunette countered, raising her chest, which made Dean chuckle nervously- as he was 100% feeling that way.

The blonde looked him up and down, then leaned forward. "Come on, let us give you a massage."

Dean's mouth opened, to laugh again, but only half of the word 'what' came out. He watched them run their hands up and down their legs, which made him turn his gaze to the floor. "You know, I'm a- I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Really, I am, but..." he licked his lips and clapped his hands together. "I'm-I'm gonna have to pass."

"They're a peace offering." An oh-so-familiar voice said from the back. Dean turned around, his eyebrows furrowing as a frown replaced his nervous smile. "I know what you and your siblings do."

The trickster was sitting in the second front row, one leg was thrown over the other. "I've been around a while. Run into your kind before," he leaned forward with a smile.

Dean moved closer to the janitor. "Well, then you know that I can't let you just keep hurting people." He had a strained smile on his face, trying to keep cool

The trickster groaned, throwing his head back with an eye roll. "Come on! Those people got what was coming to them! Hoisted on their own petards," he pointed a figure upwards, showing his point. "But you, Sam, and (Y/n), I like you! I do." The eldest Winchester lowered his head and turned around, looking at the women on the bed. "So, treat yourself as long as you want. Well," he pulled a chocolate candy bar from his jacket's pocket. "Just long enough for me to move on to the next town."

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