Chapter 23

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(Y/n)'s POV

We finally reach the city. I look around from the car's window at all the people that were living their lives without any worries in their minds. I turn to look at my ring and the bracelet with a little smile on my face. I wished that I was back in Tommy's arms already! I missed my husband. "How did you live here anyway? There are too many people here." I hear Hoyt complain in the driver's seat. We switched the roles again at some point of the journey because I got tired.

"I really don't know. I would have loved to live my childhood in a little town that you live. I'm lucky that I could live with your family now." He turns to look at me with a suspicious look on his face. I send him a little smile and turn to look back outside. I see all the shops where I used to go when I was younger. I used to look at those models in awe thinking that they were the most beautiful people in this world. But when I met Tommy, I know that I was wrong.

"Tell me, what is your plan with my family." He suddenly hissed at me which makes me turn my attention back to him. He was sending me a cold glare that send shivers down my spine. "I know that you a doin' somethin'! You are like a little wolf in sheep's clothin'." I send him a glare of my own and huff. "How dare you! I care about your family and even if you don't care, I care about you. I love Thomas and I would never do something that would hurt him."

He huffed and turned to look back at the road. "Where is your house." He asked from between his teeth, clearly annoyed beyond my imaginations. "Just drive down this road and then turn left. It's up that hill." He nodded as he started to drive there. I look at him for a while. He was an asshole, I didn't deny that but I knew that he had some issues and past trauma, so I can blame him fully. "You know that I don't hate you right?"

His face turned from angry to confuse as he turned to look at me. "I know that you kidnapped me, hurt me beyond any pain I could now, have threatened me, tried to rape me and forced me to stay but for some reason I don't hate you or your family. You nursed me back to health, let me stay and kept me alive even if you wanted to get rid of me. So I want to thank you." His eyes widen at my words but then he turns to look at the road.

He seems to be little confused as he was thinking about something. I turn to look out of the window again with a little smile. "I'm sorry." His words make me turn to look at him again with surprise written on my face. He seemed to be sorry. A sad look in his eyes and a pout on his face. "I see now that you really care about my family. I'm sorry that I ever tried to hurt you. I was just worried for them. Do you think that you can ever forgive me?"

I look at him without saying anything for a minute. Did he really mean it? This could be a break through on our relationship. I feel a smile forms on my lips as I nod happily. "Of course I'll forgive you Uncle Hoyt." He sends me a sweet smile as he turns to look at the road again. "You can call me Uncle Charlie if Hoyt makes you uncomfortable. I would understand." I think for a moment but then I shake my head "Uncle Hoyt is good."

Soon we reached my old house. When I see it again I felt an empty space in my heart. It was so big and clean looking. I hear Hoyt whistle next to me as he looks at the house. "You live here? How many people live with you?" He turns to look at me with a smile which disappears when he sees my face. "I used to live here with my dad before he died but then I lived here all alone." Hoyt turns to look at the house again with silence.

"One little girl needin' that much space. It must have been lonely." He says as he walks over to the door. I feel my heart drop at his words. I used to live my life with my pets in my house, waiting for call from Tim's call to tell me what was going to happen next or when he wanted to come visit me but other that Ms. Miller was the only one that would come regularly to visit me. But that was only because she was the one that was cleaning my house.

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