Chapter 34

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Thomas' POV

I walk back downstairs to see that the doctor was away and trying to trash around. He seemed to try to escape. He stops as he turns to look at me with horror on his face. I don't think we really need him so back up cattle is good. I turn to look at the woman who was laying without moving a muscle. I tilt my head as I look at the woman. She didn't seem to breath at all. Was she dead already?

I walk over to her and press my fingers against her neck. I didn't feel any pulse so she must be dead. I look at the chackles and start to remove them. I have to move her to the hook where I can begin cutting her up better. I lift her over my shoulder but then I feel piercing pain on my back. I scream and drop her. She stands up and bangs something hard against my head. I bring my other hand to protect my head.

"Take that you freak!" She screams at me as she hits me on the shoulder with my skinning knife. I scream again and try to reach for her but she starts to run upstairs. I get up and run after her while my wounds were still bleeding. I curse myself as I left the metal door open. "Tommy!" I could hear Uncle Charlie scream which made me more nervous. Now he was going to think that I was useless. I needed to get up there fast.

When I reach the living room I could see the woman was pointing Uncle Charlie with his own shot gun while my other uncle and momma were standing there. "Take one step closer, I'll blow his head out. I know that I'm going to die but if I do, I'll take one of you motherfuckers with me." She says as she points at my uncle. I turn to look at him and while he didn't show it, I know he's terrified. "Listen lady. You don't want to do that." Uncle Charlie says but she only laughed. "Oh believe. I will do that."

I look answers from their faces. They seemed to be scared but I still don't have an idea to do anything. I look behind them and see Romeo standing there. He looks at the situation and then starts to snarl at her. This caught her attention which makes her turn to look at him. I wanted to attack her but momma quickly shook her head. "Hi buddy. Stop snarling at me." She speaks to him but Romeo only becomes louder and he starts to bark too.

She turn to look at me with an angry expression on her face. "Make that thing stop that!" She screamed at me which made me turn to look at him. I motion for him to come over but he only barks like a mad dog. I could see that Miss Pop comes to look what was happening which she doesn't notice. She looks at the situation while her nose was moving rabidly. She suddenly started to run towards her which startled the woman.

"I-Is that a r-rat?!" She suddenly screamed and lifted the gun upwards. I charge towards her while the gun wasn't pointing at anyone. She turns to look at me but before she could do anything I push her down. She screams again while I try to take the gun from her hands. Romeo attacks her with me but she moves her hand quickly which made him sink his teeth on my arm. It made me scream and turn my attention on him while he start to shake his head which teared my flesh.

While his teeth were latched on my arm the woman got away. Uncle Charlie was reaching the gun but the woman kicked him in the face and took it. "You all freaks. Where is my daughter?! Mommy wants to talk with her!" She screamed at me while I take a hold on Romeo's snout. I start to open his mouth and soon he released me. I could see the shock in his face even if he's a dog as he put his tail between his legs and almost ran to the other side of the room.

"I'm going to kill all of you if you don't tell me were my daughter is! Starting with you." She turns the gun at me and puts her finger on the trigger. "Or maybe I should do it now. I would do you a favor since I would give you the sweet release of death! Even though you don't even deserve that but you're too ugly to live." I feel the anger in my veins as I press my hand over the wound that Romeo made. I didn't like her at all.

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