Chapter 29

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Thomas' POV

"What the hell is goin' on here!" Uncle Charlie yells at me as I put the little pigs down. The pigs start to run around the house while Uncle Charlie just stands there. He seems to be little stunned because of them as he turns to look at me. "Why are they in here?! Can't you just keep them in the barn?" I shake my head as I pet one of the pigs. They seemed to be happy which made me happy and I'm sure that (Y/n) is going to be surprised.

Uncle Charlie looks at me with a glare but before he can do anything because we could hear Henrietta's voice from the walkie talkie. Uncle Charlie turns to look at it with a huff. He didn't seem to be happy. He walks over to it and picks it up. "What? Is everything okay there?" Uncle Charlie asks from her while we could hear some yelling at the other end. I start to feel nervous when I hear the side noise.

"Hoyt, you need to get over here! Some woman is yellin' at Luda May and I'm afraid it's goin' to get nasty soon!" I feel my heart sink at her words. What was happening?! What about (Y/n)? "What?! What about (Y/n)?!" I feel my chest tighten at the thought that something bad happened to her? "She ran away! I don't know where!" I almost feel my heart stop at her words. Run away? Why would she do that?

"I fuckin' knew it! Tommy, go get that other mask and the chainsaw! We're goin' to help momma first and then we're off to hunt her down." I look at him for a while but then he points at the metal door. "Go or else I'm just goin' to shoot her in the head when we see her . You can put her down since she's yours!" I thought that everything was going so well with her but I guess I was wrong. Maybe she just waited for the perfect opportunity to leave and now she got it.

With a broken heart, I fetch my chainsaw and the mask that covered only the lower half of my face. I couldn't believe that I would use it after so long but I had to meet some outsiders. I could feel some tears form in my eyes. I thought that she loved me but now that she ran away from me, I'm not sure anymore. Where did she go and why? I take my stuff and start to walk back upstairs.

Suddenly I feel the rage in my gut again. She lied to me and now she broke my heart. I will drag her back to the house and lock her in the basement where she can stay for the rest of her life. I would keep her alive and force her to love me. Even if she didn't. I guess I approached this whole relationship thing in the wrong perspective. I should have listened Uncle Charlie from the beginning. She clearly doesn't care about my feelings so I wasn't going to care about hers.

When I walk over to the car I can see that Uncle Charlie was dragging Romeo with him. I tilt my head as I point at the dog. He smiles at me and puts him in the back seat. "A police dog! We need to drag her down and I think the greatest way to do that is with her own fuckin' dog!" He said with a laugh as he got in the car. I nod slowly and walk over to the front seat. It was better than nothing since I couldn't find her by smell. Even when I knew her sweet scent. I missed it...

When we reach the gas station and get out of the car there was a lot of yelling that was heard even to the outside. I was worried because of momma. What was going on? "Leave the chainsaw here but be ready to get it if we're goin' to need it." I nod and start to follow him towards the building. When we get inside there was momma and Henrietta but with them was a rather scared looking man and a fancy looking woman. The woman was the one who was yelling at momma.

"What the hell is goin' on here?!" Uncle Charlie suddenly yelled which made everyone turn towards us. The woman looked to be little familiar but I don't remember where I have seen her. When her eyes turned to me I could see that her face twisted in disgust. "Hoyt thank God you're here! This lady here spooked (Y/n) away!" I tilt my head as I look at the woman. So she didn't run away because of me but because of this lady? Why was she scared? What did she do to my wife?!

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