Chapter 31

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was getting anxious because I knew what would happen soon. My mother, the woman who gave me countless nightmares, was coming here to take me home. I was sitting on the porch stair with Miss Pop on my lap and Romeo was sitting next to me. I was afraid that Miss Pop would become bald because of the way I was petting her but she seemed to be relaxed. Thomas however was walking behind me and every once in while he would put his hand over my shoulder to make sure that I was okay.

Hoyt was sitting on a rocking chair that was placed on the porch while Luda May was looking at the plants. Monty was inside with Jedidiah, probably watching TV. Thomas couldn't wear his face mask so he had to put on that muzzle he used to wear. I liked that I could see his eyes more clearly but it made him uncomfortable. "Don't you worry girly. After today nothin' will bother you ever again." Hoyt said with a little laugh but I couldn't response.

I feel Thomas' hand on my shoulder again which made me feel little better. I turn to look at him with a little smile but then I turned to look at the road. There was a car coming here which made my stomach drop. Everyone turned to look at it and I heard Hoyt laugh. "Well girly. It's show time! Show us what you got!" He stood up and walked over to me. He petted my head roughly but then took Romeo by the collar. "Come on. You need to get ready if you need to chase someone."

Romeo whined as Hoyt took him away from me. I look at him with a little smile but that doesn't seem to calm him down. I knew that Hoyt put him on the fake leash which would break if he started to pull on it. It gave the victims false sense of security that the dog was tied even if it wasn't. The thought of those canines piercing through skin makes me feel awful but the family had to eat. And the chase seemed to make him happy so I was happy. I wanted my babies be happy.

The car stopped in front of the house and it turned off. My mom and the man stepped out of the car. She looks around the house with disgust written on her face while the man just seemed to be tired. She turns to look at me and a little smile forms on her face. "(Y/n)! Good to see that you're okay!" She says as she started to walk towards me. She looked to be just like always. She was beautiful but she was cold. But some men just didn't see the icy side of her.

She stopped in front of me and looks at me closely. She was looking at me like a hawk at its pray. "You have gotten little chunky and you haven't slept too much. And is that a scar on your leg? What have your father done to you?! You look awful!" I felt horrible but she started to laugh at my face. "Don't take it like that! I'm just teasing you!" She puts her hands on my cheeks and gives them a little squeeze.

Her eyes turn to look at Miss Pop and she takes a step back. "Is that a rat?!" I lift Miss Pop and give her a little hug. "She's my rabbit." Mom just rolled her eyes and turns to look at Hoyt. "Well thank you for taking care of her. We'll be taking her now." Hoyt laughed at her and opened the door. "We have to do some paper work first. And would you like to stay for supper?" She thinks for a moment and then she nods. "Sure, why not. Well stay here for a while Robert."

The man nods and lets out a sight of relief. Mom turns to look at Thomas who was standing on the porch. "Is he eating with us or outside with the dog." With that she started to laugh which made Thomas turn to look at the ground. "Don't say something like that to him!" I stand up and send her a look to stop. She turns to look at me with a little look that screamed for me to stay quiet. "Calm down." She said coldly and turns to look at Hoyt with a smile on her face.

"Just come in. Don't worry about the pigs." Mom looks at him with an unsure look o her face. "Just come in." Hoyt walks inside with her following him. Robert walks over to us and then he turns to look at Thomas. "I'm sorry. She's like that to everyone." He says as he followed them. Luda May gives me a little smile. "I'll go finish the supper. Just come inside when you can." She walked inside and closed the door behind her.

Everything happens for a reason. Leatherface x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt