Chapter 33

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(Y/n)s POV

I was cleaning the living room because of the pigs. They could be little dirty sometimes. It was cute of Thomas to do this but now I had to look after them. But there was no way in hell I would take them back to where they were before. They're way too cute not to be in the house! And Thomas loves them so what's the harm? They were a part of the family and even better, they annoyed the crap out of Hoyt.

Thomas has taken some distance from me but I don't think that it's a bad thing. I mean, I'm little shocked too after that witch came here. As much as I wanted that woman to die, I wanted her to suffer as much as I suffered because of her. I wish that Thomas would grant her the most painful death than he has ever done to someone. She's the worst thing that ever happened to my father even if without her he wouldn't have had me.

"Missy! Get your ass over here!" I hear Hoyt scream from the front porch. He sounded extremely annoyed so I wasn't sure what's bothering him now. I sigh as I put down one of the rags which I used to wipe the pigs' hoof marks from the floor. I wipe my hands to the skirt part of my yellow sundress which was once Luda May's. I make my way to the front porch while looking back everything I did today.

"You called me Uncle Hoyt." I say to him as I step to the front porch. Hoyt turns to look at me with a scowl on his face. "What the fuck have you been doin'?!" He yells at me which makes me turn my head. What did he mean? "I don't know what you're talking about." I snap back at him and cross my arms against my chest. He huffs and points at the side of the house. "Your dog pissed on my fuckin' car!"

I look at him for a moment like he was a mad man. "And this is my fault because?!" I yell back at him. He seems to be taken back at my raised voice. "I have been cleaning the whole day! He reliefs himself where he wants. If you don't want him to piss on your stuff, then don't park your stupid car right next to him! Jesus!" I scream to him before I go back inside the house. He's such a prick sometimes!

When I get inside I could see that Thomas was drinking a glass of water in the kitchen. A smile forms on my lips as I make my way towards him quietly. When I'm close enough he finishes his drink. When he puts the glass down I wrap my arms around him and give him a tight hug. "Hi Thomas!" I say to him as I press my cheek against his back. His back straightens as he tenses his back at the contact.

He turns to look at me with a neutral look on his face. "Would you like to go for a walk with Romeo and I later? I want to get away from Hoyt for a while." Thomas just stares at me like I spoke to him with a different language. I tried to say something to him but he just shakes his head before he releases me. He walks towards the front door and just leaves me without saying or doing anything which might tell me where he was going.

I feel like my heart was breaking! What was going on with him? I could feel my eyes water at the thought that he doesn't want to be with me anymore. This all started when my mother came here so she must be behind this all. I wipe my eyes and turn my head towards the basement's metal door. I needed to know what was going on! I start to make my way there while Thomas was gone. I was going to strangle that woman for what she did to my husband.

I open the basement door and close it behind me as I start to make my way down. I could hear some rustling there but it must be the doctor rather than my mother. When I reach the end of the stairs to see my mother laying on the table. She was looking at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face. "What did you do to my husband?" I say to her with venom dripping from my voice. I wanted her to think that she wasn't safe with me.

She turns to look at me with a little smile on her face. "Hello (Y/n). It's good to see you." She says like this was some kind of game to her. "Don't be stupid! What the fuck did you do to Tommy?" I walk over to her but she only laughs at me. "You don't scare me (Y/n)! I have seen your birth. You're lucky to be still alive since I wanted to kill you the moment you were cut out of me." She says before she lifts her gaze back to the ceiling.

Everything happens for a reason. Leatherface x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora