Chapter 3

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Thomas POV

I go to the metal door and make my way down the stairs. The man was still hanging from the hook, but he doesn't seem to be dead yet. I walk over to him and look at his face, waiting to see if he opened his eyes but he wasn't focusing on me, his eyes were travelling everywhere.. I take a hold of his jaw and turn his head to look at me. His skin doesn't seem to be that bruised and the marker marks were still on his face even after crying. His eyes finally focus on me and he starts to sob. "Please. I-if you let me go, I-I won't tell anyone. Y-you can keep the girl." He still tries to beg.

I let go of his jaw and go to the freezer. I take out some meat, lift it to the table with a loud slap when the flesh hits the table. "W-what is t-that?" The man asks but I ignored him. He couldn't get himself up on that hook so I shouldn't have to worry that he would run. He was too weak now. I take another piece of meat for the dog because it must be hungry already. Momma said she gave some meat from the car to it, but it must be hungry again. I take the meats and go back upstairs. As I walk up the stairs, the man cries after me and pleads for freedom. When I open and slam the door again, I see the dog panting at the hall. I go over it to take a better look. I put my hand on its fur and feel how hot it was. I get up quickly and take the meat to momma and start to explain the dogs state.

"Hold on Tommy. What's wrong?" Momma asked and I point at the dog. Momma looks at it and puts her hands on her cheeks. "Oh no. The poor thing is dyin' from the heat. After supper, we will help it. Now take it to the basement and tie it down. The basement is cool enough for it. Remember to give it water so it can drink." I nod and go over to the dog. I pat my thigh and it lifts it head and looks at me curiously. When I walk over to the metal door and pat my thigh again, it gets up and runs to me, panting hardly. I lead him downstairs and take some rope to tie the other end of the rope on his collar and the other end to the worktable.

The man looks at us and smiles little. "Romeo. Romeo, attack him! Attack you big mutt!" He yells at the dog but the dog only looks at him and tilts his head. The dog starts barking at him and wags its tail. So, its name is Romeo. "Your stupid mutt! Attack that animal! You are a dog! Kill it!" The man demands and I crouch down on the dogs level, patting its head and Romeo sits down next to me. I give the man a nasty glare and he starts laughing. "That dog found a nice animal friend. I never liked that mutt anyway." He says, looking at the dog angrily. "(Y/n) always said that mutt and the white rat were her babies." The man says with venom on his voice. "They should be put down."

I feel the rage boiling in me. He yet again has called me an animal and he doesn't like these animals?! I get up and walk over to him. I take the hook from my pocket and hit it in his side, making it slice through his flesh. He screams at the pain and tries to wiggle away but I leave it there. I walk over to the sink and take one of the bowls from the table. I fill it with cold water and walk over to the dog, putting the bowl down in front of him. The dog starts drinking fast, taking big gulps of water at once. He was so thirsty. "C-can I have some water?" The man asks, still whining from the pain and I look at him angrily. He doesn't deserve any water. I just turn around and get back up the stairs.

I help momma in the kitchen when she needs help while my uncles sit in the living room drinking their beers. After the dinner is ready, momma puts the plates and spoons on the table. When (Y/n) gets better then momma would get help around the house and maybe in the gas station too. Momma goes to the living room and helps Uncle Monty get inside the dining room. Uncle Charlie comes after them and goes to the end of the table. I sit on my place and momma sits down next to Uncle Monty. Uncle Charlie says the grace and we start to eat.

"So, momma and Tommy want to keep the girl. What about you Uncle Monty?" Uncle Charlie asks and Uncle Monty looks at him and shrugs his shoulder. "I really don't care. She could do some housework and help me get around. I want to keep the dog. It's big and it can be a good guard to the house if someone comes here." Uncle Monty says and momma nods in agreement. Uncle Charlie thinks about it and I look at my food, waiting for his decision. I really hope that Uncle Charlie would let us keep her. "The dog stays here. And the girl can stay too." He finally says and I feel happiness fill my chest. I lift my gaze and momma has a bright smile on her face.

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