32- WoW

41 3 0

I reached back home.

I already feel sleepy.
I dim the lights and just when I was about to divert to my room my phone rang.

Stupid phone I forgot to keep it silent.

Simon's name flashed.

Why is he calling me now ??

I am annoyed

S. You need to gt out of the house.
E.what!? Are you drinking or what ?
S. I am sober woman. Dont ask questions and just get out of your house. And no on should see you.

E. Simon its night who will see me and why should I get out if my house and where will I go even if I get out of my  house. It's so dark Simon

S. How many questions will you ask woman . Just listen to me once. I have parked my car opposite to your apartment. Just do as I say

E. Why do you envy me this much

S. Eli please

I hang the phone.
I knew if I didn't do what he said he wouldn't think before getting in my house.
Accidentally I had given him my spare key.

Like I said accidentally.
Why I did it.
God knows ...

I tie my hair as a bun and grab my hoodie
Like he said no one should see you .

If this guy is pranking me . It's his end.

I wipe my eyes with some cold water and close my apartment.
I pull on the hoodie and walk out.

I see him getting out of the car and stops when he spots me.

I angrily walk towards him.

"What!?" I yelled .

"Get in " he said.
I literally feel like throwing soemthing on his head at this moment.

As I am settled in.
He looks around and then drives.

"Why did you call me out Simon.  You were talking as if there was gonna be a fire breakout " I said huffing to his overdramatic ways

"Well fire just got in  " he muttered.

My eyes went out like sockets.

"What did you say !!?? Simon how could you do this to me. All my belongings are there. Stop the car " I yelled at him.

He looked at me as if I had two heads.

"Ohh woman it was a sarcastic note " he facepalmed.

"Well I don't find it as a joke when you call me at this time of the day when usual humans sleep at this time " I huffed.

Joking as if ?

The car stopped.
He parked it on the lot and turned towards me.

"My parents got to know " he said after rubbing his palms.  He does it when he is nervous.

"Got to know about what!?" I asked

"About us " he said

Oh no no no no.

"But but you said your parents don't do gossips " I almost screamed.

"Woman its night lower you voice. What you said is right. But they got the information from elsewhere " he said

I looked at him.

"Mr.Hayes" he said

"Xavier !??" I asked

"Nope his dad " he said

"You don't have to continue.  I know what he might have said . Oh God " I rubbed my temples.

"My dad bombarded me with questions after I left the office. "

I faceplamed.
Oh God

"But that's not the reason I calleyou out. Well while I was talking to dad I heard mom speaking to him in background that she was gonna visit you today . " he said

"Wait wait wait. You called me out just because your mother was gonna meet me ? And come on who is gonna visit someone when its sleeping time " he is being ridiculous .

"You do not know my mother. " he said and suddenly snapped my face sideways and pointed at a white mercedes benz.

"That's mom. Happy?" He said

I looked at him in horror

"But why would she come to meet me " she was heading towards my apartment??

"Well as far as I know her she might be coming there to plan our weddings dn probably adorn you with her jewellery " he said

I just sat there

"And I thought why not listen to your shootings today against me rather than in the office " he said driving away from the lot.

"Wow " I said

He chuckled

"Its a problem right?" I asked him

"Well yeah. I do not know how to handle her .  She could be over dramatic sometimes " he said

"Wait where are you taking me " I asked suddenly realizing I was in the car.

"To my penthouse " he said still eyes on the road.

That's when I notice that I guess he woke up from sleep himself.

Because he was in his black pajamas.

I silently laughed.

"But I need to sleep" I said rubbing my eyes .
I hate when people call you from sleep.

"My penthouse is not furniture free ! You could sleep in the guest room woman " he said

But I will lose the comfort of my baby. My bed.
"But hey if I am not at home she would understand right that you took me?" I asked after a whole lot of silence.

"Nope she didn't say it to me. She mentioned it to dad " he said

I suddenly realized that Mr.Shaw knows it.

"Oh my hod oh my god what will your dad thinking about me." I facepalmed.

"What do you mean " he asked

"For sure he thinks I am a gold d-" I couldn't complete my sentence becaus eof a certain someone cutting my sentence in a jiff

"Yor gonna seal that thought of yours. You are not after my money and don't say that ever again. You understood " he asked looking at me coldly

I nodded

I don't want angry Simon.
A yawn passes and he chuckles.

I sheepishly smiles



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