13 - you are such a sweet woman right......

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Shockingly I had woke up today way earlier than my alarm.

If my mom was here she would have checked if I had a fever

Yeah I have a dramatic family.

I am dreadingly waiting for this weekend.
I know it just got over yesterday

But this sunday it's my birthday and I am gonna spent quality time with my family.

I had received the hidden camera yesterday.

And I thought finally.....
But I guess I am not gonna find happiness yet!

There was a damage for the lens.

I returned it with a one whole paragraph of complaint.

Now I  need to wait more.

As usual I had the flowers.
This is really annoying .

The thing that is stopping me from reporting  is because what if it's a minor who's doing it

I get creepy eyes from my apartment itself from small kids.

When I was a kid everything was so great.
We could trust people

But nowadays nope.
I can't even trust a human being.

I can't even trust a human being

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I was at office.
People think that the boss doesn't do anything. He just give orders. But in real sense he does the toughest tasks.

Sometimes I feel bad on Simon he does the work that he dreads like anything .

And I myself put me in a huge hole.

Well let me elaborate.

When I had come today I had noticed that Simon had a huge pile of files so I volunteered on helping him.

He had denied it many times.
Me being me kept on pestering him and tada I am sitting with half of the piles.

And this is my third coffee.
Not that I didn't get my quality sleep this was because of the awesome files that I am  reading  on and on to check any mistakes, writing summaries and notes and what not.... is a tedious task.

I was so much on my work that I didn't realise someone entering my room until I heard a noise on the table of someone hitting it.

I looked up.

I guess I entered a strip club.
Why was she even wearing clothes after all.

"How may I help you " I said . I mean I shouldn't be doing that but just for formality

She ignored me.
She bloody *****

She looked around my room thinking.

Who does she think she is.
"So when are you vacating " she asked after a long time.

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