5 - keep your glares to yourself

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I woke up with dreadful memories

I dressed up after freshening up

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I dressed up after freshening up.

Today's the meeting.
And I am not gonna act weak.

I sigh
I stare at the mirror

Eli you can do this

I sigh .


I was practically doing nothing than staring at the laptop blankly.

What the fuck is wrong with me


I bite my nails

You idiot you grew them after so much difficulty and now you are biting them

That's right.

See you got distracted now think about different things.

I never knew brains could actually help you
I guess my mind is helping me this once other all days she is the one who taunts me.

I put the USB in my pocket.

I mean if at the last moment if I forget it.

No no chances.

The green light flashes.

I walk upto Simon's office.

I knock.

I hear his reply


"The meeting starts in 45 minutes and there's this file in my car could you collect it up" he asks

"Yeah sure " and he throws his keys.

"And no dirty business with my car "

I raise my hands in surrender

He chuckles

He is obsessed about his car.
He won't even let me drive it.


I walk downstairs.

Come on going on lift will be so rush.

I get inside his car and takes the file.

And walk back upstairs.

But I hear someone suffocating in the other end.

I walk to the basement .

And find Chelsea
Her face is red and she is taking long breaths.

I run towards her

"Hey hey what happened " I ask touching her.
She is burning.

She coughs and I catch her just before she falls

I feel thankful to god that I did not keep my car keys back in my bag.
It was in my pocket.

I balance her in my hands.
And walk her to my car just to see James walking.

I settle her in the back seat.

"Hey James can you do a favour take this USB . Actually I need to rush somewhere else. There's a summary on my file in my room read it and could you replace me in the meeting " I ask panting

"What I-"

"James I know you have good memory and fast absorbing quality. Just this one time ok" I asked with hope.

He sighed and nodded

I said thanks

And rushed to my car.


It seems that Chelsea had an allergic reaction to sea food.

I seriously got so scared by the moment I had brought her to the hospital she was full red in colour.

I was in the waiting area

I saw the nurse coming out.

"How is she now ?" I asked

"She is in seduction and fine . She will be in observation for today beacuse she had a wild attack today you could leave " she said

"Umm I prefer to stay" she just nodded

Thank god.

My phone rings and I did not look the call ID and accepted it

E. Hello

S. If you really wanted to run away you should have said it to me.


E. Did James perform well

S.Thanks for ignoring me and yes he did .Did you show your writings to him before or what?And madam keep your glares to yourself

He knows me too well

E. I collected the file and walked upstairs but found Chelsea suffocating long story short I am at the hospital

S. Oh my god. Is she fine ?

E. You know her ? Yeah it was an allergic attack

S. She might be someone from our office.

This guy.....

S. Should I come ?

E. I am fine man let me sleep

S. *chuckles * ok ok lady.

 *chuckles * ok ok lady

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