20- Calories...

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I wake up way early in the  morning

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I wake up way early in the  morning . I was hyper.
I am going hoooome!!!

The last time I went was I guess last month.
Spending time with family is so great.

It was a two hours drive. Thankfully there wasn't any fog. Because the last time I drove there it took me 4 and a half hours. I had to make stops in the between.

I held my handbag . Actually I thought of ringing the bell. They don't know about me coming today. So it's a surprise.

But then I changed my mind and checked if  the door was open. And it was!

I silently opened the door and saw mom sitting on the edge of the sofa and Leo sitting  and watching tv.

"Mom you should try making something different..." he started. He's a food guy. I mean more obsessed than me.

Mom give him a glare
They haven't realised my presence yet:P

Masterchef was playing on the television. He loves watching it. But never cooks anything .

"Mom isn't there anything or what to fill my tummy " he asked
I leaned on the wall silently laughing.
"You could make an omelet " she said now on her phone.

"But eggs have calories mom"

"So don't icecream have calories!??" I asked .

Both of their heads turned towards me.

Mom was surprised.

But I sensed a twitch of emotion in Leo .
I raised my eyebrow. It was so fast he was running towards the kitchen.
I shaked my head towards mom. She giggled.

"There are some cookies left " she said whispering  . I wasn't required to be informed twice

I had long thrown my handbag somewhere and ran after him.
He had hugged the container.
"Hey you have been eating it since days Leo . That's not fair " he clicked his tongue and started stuffing those cookies on to his mouth.

The one thing that I can't do is win over him. He is so good at defending guys.

I pouted and used my only remaining weapon.

"Moooom" he looked at me in horror.

I smirked.

I could hear her muttering and walking to the kitchen. I don't know how she does it . But it was so fast. She took I mean snatched the container from Leo in return of him frowning. She handed it towards me.

"Haven't you two grown up or what!?" She asked finally.

"It wasn't me who started " I said and started eating the cookies. Yum.
I ate it making facial expressions and getting a groan from Leo's side. I really love torturing him. Come on he isn't a saint afterall.

"Oh so who was the person who whined like a kid and called mom huh !!?" He said smirking.

Before I could say anything my oxygen got pressed.

AIMÉ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu