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If he knew the office would have gone all the way into two pieces.
So no.

well let's go all the way back.

I was at the cafe.
I decided to take a break and Simon wasn't at the office. He would reaching by afternoon. That's what he said.

I ordered a latte with a cream bun.
I started having an interest with cream buns after Alice made me eat one. I used to always think that it was full of sugar and blah blah.

But obviously the one that's eh makes and cafe ones are so damn different. But like I said I started having them after Alice

It was so great to sit beside the window and drink your coffee and just flow on the moment.

This cafe plays songs in the background.
And they are playing my favourite.

Mess by Gordan Fisher.

You like to mess with me
Sending all them pictures
You like to mess with me
Don't know how you do it
You stay finessing me
Touch me just a little, and now you're reckless, see
You like to mess with me

I whispered sang them.

Oh hello lady you have work !???

Oh thanks for reminding me.

I called for the bill.

"Ma'am your bill is already taken care of" a guy in 20s told me.

I scrunched my eyebrows.

"What do you mean by then care of. How's that possible I haven't paid yet" I said

"Well a guy paid it for you "

What the fuck.

"Who " I was so pissed tight now.

He pointed a guy.

And when he had turned to look at me I was already out of the cafe

"What do you think of yourself huh" I controlled myself from yelling at him.

"Well can't I pay for my lady" he said
This guy is sick

"Don't you get this through your thick skull or what!?? I am not interested in you " I am so much done saying this .
I guess I need to put a tape recorder on his room repeating this.

"I am fighting for us and I will wait till the day you finally realise my love " I just stared at him.

I guess I was talking in arabic that he didn't understand.

I massage my temples

"Listen to this Nathan. I don't know which part of your brain is acting like a sick person. But I ain't like you. And plus I already have a boyfriend which you already know. So why are you still doing this. Can't you think about your sister. She would probably want a same guy not someone obsessed over someone else" I said trying to make sense to him.

"I like when you talk to me " I walked away from him.

Like is he deaf!???

My good morning has all flushed down.

I angrily walk past the entrance


I take in long breaths .
Inhale exhale.

Okay cool.

I smile.

Just as I was about to open the door to my cabin I was called

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