"n.nno"I groaned

I was sat in his lap facing him.
"I love you izuku "Kachan said again I nodded my head and looked off somewhere else

The blonde-haired wolf sighed then he pulled me in for a hug.My limbs spread across his thighs my arms at me sides as he hugged my body close to his. The blonde nuzzled my scent glands coaxing my coconut scent from my body as he started to release his own scent thoroughly scenting me. I stayed their like a body pillow.

The sound of crying hit my ears and I looked at katsuki rising his face from my neck. I seen pretty tears leave his beautiful red eyes.He he sniffled and I couldn't do anything but look at his bothered reluctant soul. It seems like his heart broken and I instantly felt back for shunning him like a abandoned puppy.

I wrapped my arms around the blondes neck.

"What's wrong?"i asked

"You hate me"he spoke

"i don't hate you katsuki"I commented

"But you don't call me kachan anymone"He brought to my attention

Did I stop calling him Kachan? I guess I have reverted to katsuki.but do I hate him. He's my mate I don't hate him.

"I don't hate you Kac...kachan"I stuttered not believing myself

"You lie"Kachan said as he squeezed my body to his.
He's completely depressed.My mood swings don't help at all.I kissed his cheek getting his attention the least I could do is just forgive him for what's he done.The situation can't get any worst.We moved away from the city and he hasn't started a fire since he let me take on a hobby.He's gotten more mellow but his sadness makes me want to hold him.His adorable ears lowered in shame and tail not even wagging I'm not use to it.

I gave him a closed eye smile a real one.
A true genuine smile.

My alpha is depressed his omega isn't happy.
As an omega it's my job to be happy and to be taken care of.

He can't do his job if I don't do mine and that's to be happy and show him I'm happy I might not have a lot of time left but if I forgive him right now it would make those last moments in this life that much easier. Better even.Il make him happy.I'll let him make me happy and in return

He'll be happy as well.

      I wrote lyrics in my notebook as I sat in my in home studio.I still love to sing and dance but I can't really dance right now.Club UA is up and running again but I quit my job.I still have all the money I earned from the job but I never use it.I played chords on a guitar with bling red ruby righnestones that covered the entire thing completely.I closed my eyes and hummed to the notes of the guitar.

"Don't be that way"I started to sing to the melody in my head

"Fall apart twice a day

I just wish you could feel what you say
Show, never tell
But I know you too well
Got a mood that you wish you could sell"I sung the song from Billie Eilish.

Then I got an idea.

I placed the guitar down on a low coffee table and walked out of the room.I waddled down the hallway then took a left at the new red doors I stood before.I slid my hand across the wood before I knocked on them.The red doors opened due to Mina opening them and I walked into the room.

The indoor gym looked nice compared to the old red room.

Katsuki was doing pull ups on a bar 7 feet from the ground.My tail twitched as his muscles contracted and the sweat dropped off of him like water off a bottle.I licked my lips as I eye fucked the Wolfe.The blonde in his own little world as he dropped to do push ups. One arm behind his back as he strongly pushed against the floor. I sat on his back as he finally noticed my presence he looked at me through the corner of his eyes he gave me a smirk then continued his push ups with me on his back.

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