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What who said anything about a double update?

I didn't

Izuku you told them didn't you.

I: nope wasn't me wait Kachannn



Katsuki and izuku are forever mates in a since is about the same as soul mates. When one of them dies the other will follow a bit after the other to make sure nothing is left behind. The draw back to this being how they go about remembering their past lives.
Katsuki is doomed to be the one to always suffer the lost of izuku. Watching your love of your life die then kill yourself to be with them is cruel as hell.

   He will always be the one to remember what happened through the time period. Every memory every form they took every last thing they said to each other.Every fight and what Izuku looks and acts like. Katsuki knows it all he's lived it.

He knows when his Izuku is angry with him.

He always has to make izuku remember the time they shared together in order to be happy.

But one draw back is if izuku remembers the time they shared he will be getting ready to go to the next life to start over.

Think of like the game of chase they played when mating.

The universe doesn't want izuku to live after remembering his past lives because he's not supposed to remember. He's to stay completely oblivious and unaware.

Katsuki isn't supposed to remind him of his past lives.
Their fate is cruel and unusual.

But are fate and destiny the same thing?

Will they forever be stuck in this time loop or will they find a way to trick fate?

The burning clash of swords swung viciously.
"You're not bad cutey"A ash blonde boy spoke roughly

His firey red eyes shone with excitement as glistening sweat dripped from his glistening body.The mighty muscles gripped the heavy rod of thick steel at the hilt. He crashed the sword against a another the holder of the opposing metal was none other then izuku the great.

The swordsman gave a snarky remark back at the shirtless blond the fur and jewels that hung from his broad shoulders and neck gave the green haired boy chills to run down his spine.

"I have an excellent teacher kachan"Izuku said lifting his arm and flinging the sword from the blonds hands. He wasn't expecting the blond to pull a dagger from his left side and pinning him to the ground.

The heavy breathing lowered over both tired boys.The greenette lifted off the ash blonde haired boys body showing skin the blonde licked the blade of the dagger as he had accidently cut the boys cheek. The blood tasted so sweet to the blonde. He pinned the boy by both hands the dagger and other weapons forgotten to the wind.
The green haired boy looked into those red firey eyes and battered his green ones at the blonde.
The long eyelashes that adored his face blinks slowly at the blonde.Green haired boy gave him a half lidded smile.

"Fuck why you have to be so cute"Katsuki said licking the wound he gave the greenette. The blonde grounded his hips against the boy below him.

"Mmhhhh...waiitt now?"The blushing boy under him asked

The grip on his wrist tightened and the boy keened at the touch.

"yes now"The blonde man chuckled as he continued to make love with his partner

Cotton Tail(Bakudeku) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora