Chapter 23

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"LIV! Hurry up!" I yell from downstairs.

Liv and I are at my house getting ready to go shopping with my mom and Elly.

"Coming!" She yells back.

I sigh.

"Let's go." Liv says, climbing down the stairs.

"Mom! We're ready to go!" I yell.

She too comes down, ready.

"Cute outfits, girls." Mom says, winking.

I roll my eyes.

Liv blushes.

"Thanks Mrs. Jones."

"Honey, you and Kiara are so close, you can call me Becky." She tells Liv warmly.

"Can we leave now?" I ask impatiently.

"Someone's excited. I wonder why." My mom says.

About ten minutes later, we're all seated in the car.

It took ten minutes, because by the time we left the house, Liv had to run back because she forgot her purse. Then, she came back and we were about to get in the car, when I realized I had to go to the bathroom.

"Alright, so first we need to pick up Elly, then we head straight to the mall. Since Elly and I were given our paychecks yesterday at work, we can shop till we drop." My mom says, while adjusting the front mirror and putting her seatbelt on.

I nod and Liv grins at me.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Liv asks me, hooking her arm through the crook of my elbow.

I shrug.

"Let's split up. Liv and Kiara, go wherever you want but meet us at the food courts in an hour. " Elly says.

Liv and I nod.

Liv steers me towards the clothes shops first.

I give her a confused look.

"Kiara, you're wardrobe needs updating."

I sigh.

Not this again.

"What's wrong with the clothes I have?" I ask, feeling slightly offended.

"Nothing. It's just that you need more nice clothes for special occasions." She says simply.

I protest.

"Liv, I'm nowhere near as popular as you. I don't get invited to parties or events. What would I need dresses for?"

"What about prom? You have to look stunning for Carlos after all." She says.

I fight a blush as I try to argue.

"Liv! Carlos is never going to ask me to prom. He has a girlfriend, remember?"

"No. You've never enjoyed prom because no one has asked you out. I'll go with you if you want. But you're going. No questions asked. You hear me?" She says sternly.

I sigh. There's no point arguing with Liv. She knows how to get her way.

"Fine." I say.

"Let's go shop till we drop!" She exclaims.

I laugh.

Liv's enthusiasm is enough for both of us.

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