Chapter 20

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C A R L O S    D I C A P R I O 'S   P O V:

"Son." My father says, emotionlessly.

He's standing at the frame of my door.

I look at him and grit my teeth.

What a pleasant surprise.

"Your mother and I are having guests over tonight. I want you to be on your best behavior." He says.

What am I? Six? 'Best behavior.' Ha.

I roll my eyes and nod my head.

He leaves without another word.

My mind wanders back to Kiara.

I have to get her to talk to me.

She's upset and hurt and it's my fault.

I have to fix this.

K I A R A  J O N E S'   P O V :

"Kiara, we are going to go to the Dicaprios' this evening. Be ready at 5:30." My mom tells me.

"Okay." I say, sitting down with my kindle in the living room.

"Where's Fiona?" My mom asks, her voice, clipped as she sits down on the sofa with her cup of coffee.

"I don't know." I say.

"What do you mean you don't know? She's your sister. You should know." She snaps.

"And she's your daughter mom." I fire back.

"Don't talk to me like that young lady." She says sternly.

Fearing a grounding, I say, "Sorry."

She sighs and an unrecognizable emotion flashes across her face.

"What's the matter with you? You seem so sad these days." She says, softly, much to my surprise.

"Why do you care? When have you ever cared? Hmm, last time I checked, Fiona was your only daughter. You never cared about me or my well being." I say, laughing humorlessly.

A look of pain and hurt flashes across her face.

Oh no.

She doesn't meet my eye and looks at the ground sadly.

"I'm just trying to start a conversation with you." She says softly.

I can tell I hurt her and no matter how badly she treats me she's still my mother.

I hate hurting her.

"I-I- It's hard to explain." I say quietly.

"You want to talk about it? We barely get time to bond because of my work and your school."

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

My mom, wants to know about my problems? Since when?

"No, It's fine." I say.

I look up and meet her eye.

"How's Carlos? Elly told me today at work that you two have become good friends." At the sound of his name, I feel a lump form in my throat, as I remember Zara's pool party.

"He-he's fine. We were good friends." I say, sadly.

"How did you guys meet?" She asks, interested.

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