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The Sirens appeared out of nowhere. All of the world's armed forces tried their best to stop the alien threat. But to no avail and they ended suffering large casualties and losses in military assets. That was until the United States proposed a joint military organization. An elite military unit that will be composed of the four major players of World War 2. Namely, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, and the United States. The other countries agreed to the proposal and began working out the details.

Then the alliance came to life. They called the organization Azur Lane. They begin working on the training of selected personnel to be part of the most elite military unit ever assembled. And this included girls aged 10 to 12 years old. But majority of the parents didn't like the idea and the whole plan was scrapped. The boys on their part volunteered to join the military. Each one of them are assigned to a particular branch of their country's armed forces. That was until a lot of the male soldiers were either injured or killed during their combat duties.

Pretty soon the shortage of available personnel takes its toll on Azur Lane. The idea of training girls as vanguards of justice and peace was opened up again. This time there's no more turning down from the parents themselves. Some volunteered to be part of the organization. But not mostly at the front lines. Many of them worked in war factories to expedite building new weapons and combat vehicles. Scientists from all over the world begin working on an experimental weapon.

After capturing an alien cube. They scientists analyzing the black wisdom cube as the Sirens call it. They begin harnessing its power and mass produce blue wisdom cubes. They're equally distributed to all the members of Azur Lane. They soon begin training of summoning ship parts of all the ships that were sunk by the Sirens. All of the girls were assigned a particular ship to summon. However they reserve a specific number of blue wisdom cubes that will be given to three special girls. And one of them will be more focused on the thought of fighting. And her childhood friend will try to bring her back to who she was before the war.

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