Chapter 2 - Yorktown's Condition

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Enterprise is having trouble sleeping because of her concern for Yorktown. The latter has been shivering and coughing for three days. Since she's shy about expressing her feelings towards her big sister. She decides to ask Hornet to check on their big sister. The youngest sister happily obliges and checks the temperature of Yorktown. Hornet gets shocked as she looks at the thermometer.

She quickly runs to Enterprise who is currently cooking their breakfast. The yellow haired girl starts to cry as she approaches her silver haired sister. Enterprise has just finished cooking when she turned around and sees her little sister crying while approaching her. She quickly asks the yellow haired girl why she's crying.

Enterprise: Hornet what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Hornet: (Trying hold back her tears.) Big sister Enterprise. It's big sister Yorktown.

Enterprise: Yorktown? What about her? What happened to our big sister?

Hornet: She's got a very high fever. And she is shivering too much. We must do something big sister Enterprise.

Enterprise: I will go into the abandoned city and look for some medicine. As well as food so that we can last a month before the rebuilding begins. You stay here and make sure to feed her while I'm gone. You got that?

Hornet: Yes big sister Enterprise.

Enterprise: Good! I will leave now. I'll just take these pieces of bread so that I won't get hungry while searching for food and medicine.

Hornet: Take care big sister.

Enterprise: Don't worry Hornet. I know how to handle myself. (Takes off her makeshift apron and leaves.)

Hornet does what she is told and takes care of Yorktown. Enterprise begins her long search for food and medicine. Moving from one building to another. She searches every abandoned building for food and medicine. She finds a fruit cart in one area of the abandoned city. She quickly takes it and moves to a nearly demolished supermarket. She carefully goes in as the ceiling is about to fall down. She endures the stench of rotting meat, fruit, and veggies while searching for still edible food and medicine. She's lucky to find canned meat that are similar to the rations handed out to the soldiers in the battlefield.

She takes whatever she can fit in the cart and heads to where the medicine is stored. She passes by a busted shelf full of towels and blankets. She then sees a black cowboy hat with yellow trimmings. It's the same one that her sister Hornet was looking at before the war against the Sirens have begun. She takes it and then she sees two black coats with gold trimmings. She takes some clothes that fits their bodies. As she passes by a shelf where baseball bats were on display before.

Enterprise sees three bats that weren't broken. She picks them up and put all of it in her cart. She finally reaches the medicine cabinet and sees that it's still intact. Except for the lock that has been broken. She removes the lock and takes whatever is in the cabinet including bandages and medical utensils. She goes out of the building through the big hole that she came into. As she goes back to her sisters with her bounty. She unwillingly flashes a smile on her face. Something that she has never done ever since they lost everything during the attack of the Sirens.

Meanwhile at the abandoned furniture factory where the three sisters are staying. Yorktown finally wakes up and sees that Hornet is the only one beside her. She notices that she's crying while twisting a towel to make it dry.

Yorktown: Unnnnnnnnnh...... Hornet......

Hornet: Big sister Yorktown! You're finally awake! Thank God...... I thought that I'm going to lose you.

Yorktown: Are you crying? Who made you cry?

Hornet: (Wipes off her tears.) I'm not going to lie. Yes I am crying because you haven't waken up in three days. Plus you have been shivering continuously. And you have a very high fever.

Yorktown: I see....... (Notices the porridge Enterprise cooked and sees that Enterprise is not at home.) Did Enterprise cook this?

Hornet: Yes she did. You have to eat big sister so that you can recover quickly.

Yorktown: Where's Enterprise?

Hornet: She went out to look for food and medicine.

Yorktown: But why? Why would she go out looking for food and medicine?

Hornet: Because we need to stack up on food and medicine because anytime soon the rebuilding will begin. And we might be forced to leave this place.

Yorktown: Is that so...... *It's a good thing that she didn't know that an old lady gave me some food and medicine after I tried to steal them from her house.* I'm sure that she will have a good bounty.

As Yorktown and Hornet continue to discuss about Enterprise while they are eating. The latter is now on her way home with her bounty. As she passes by another abandoned building. She sees a little girl with pink hair in a black dress. She slowly stops and looks at the girl who is looking for food as well. She walks gently towards her and asks what she is doing over there.

Enterprise: Hey there. What are you doing in here?

????: I'm looking for something to eat. But all I see are a bunch of burnt money.

Enterprise: Are you living in the streets alone?

????: Yes...... I'm an orphan now. I hate the Sirens for killing my parents. If I was only strong enough. I could have saved them.

Enterprise: I'm an orphan too. But I have two sisters.

????: I envy you right now.

Enterprise: Why is that?

????: Because I don't have any siblings at all.

Enterprise: I see...... I'm Enterprise. What is your name?

????: I'm Vestal. Nice to meet you Enterprise.

Enterprise: Likewise Vestal. Say...... Would you like to come with me to where me and my sisters live?

Vestal: (Elated at what Enterprise said.) Really?

Enterprise: Of course. I'm sure that my sisters will be happy to have a new addition to our family.

Vestal: But wouldn't that be a burden on your part?

Enterprise: Of course not. At least I can have someone other than Hornet to look after my big sister Yorktown.

Vestal: Well it's better than constantly searching for food and medicine for myself. Looks like you got quite a haul there. (Points to the fruit cart.)

Enterprise: Oh that. I guess I got lucky to find an abandoned supermarket. And a push cart that is still intact. Shall we get going? I'm sure that our sisters are worried about us.

Vestal: (confused) Did you just say "our sisters" Enterprise?

Enterprise: Yes I did Vestal. From now on you are my little sister.

Vestal: Then can I call you big sister?

Enterprise: Of course. Now let's go home.

Vestal: Ok big sister Enterprise.

As Enterprise and Vestal head back to the abandoned furniture factory. They will soon meet two girls who are orphans like them in their future search for food and medicine. Meanwhile the US government has ordered the gradual rebuilding of every state. It is a way of giving jobs to those who are unemployed because of the Siren attack. Able bodied men and women volunteered to help in the rebuilding. While their children are kept in safe houses where they will be properly fed and educated.

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