Midoriya thoughts

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I told myself I was gonna make this chapter the longest chapter I've ever written so enjoy an entire month's work of procrastination.

Midoriya walked to class behind Jirou and the other girls as they made their way into the bathroom to gossip and play around with make they had gotten their hands on. Midoriya slid her hand on the wall as she walked to her class. Seeing Kirishima with Kaminari and Bakugo as always she was relieved. But she kept walking until her legs brought her to the rooftop, She sat on the edge of the building letting her legs dangle off, she rarely came here, had she have reason to Midoriya would just think about her life and any troubles she had. This time she thought about Kirishima, is he into her? Or Bakugo? Was he serious about fondling her in front of everone or was he just teasing...and...why? 'does kiri have a degrading kink or what? What kinda BDSM type bullshi-' Midoriya's thoughts were interrupeted by Kiri coming behind her. "Hey Deku come down to the classroom with me. I have a suprise for you" Midorya slowly lowered her eyebrows "Kiri your not very good at hiding things" Kirishima lifted a brow "Oh? Am I not?" Midoriya stood up "Yeah but I'll go just to get it over with."

Kirishima led Midoriya to the classroom, to her suprise it was empty, or so she thought. It did look empty. Kirishima was still standing behind her, "Midoryia it is okay right..?" Kirishima asked wrapping his arms around her waist, placing his chin on her shoulder. "Okay to do what..?" Midorya answered slightly holding on to Kiri's arms, "Okay to.." Kirishima raises his hands to Midoriya's chest, "..feel these.." Kirishima watches as Midorya's face heats up, "N,,No! What..." Kirishima lowers his hands "Okay if you say No then I won't go any further" Kirishima steps away from Deku as she grabs his arm "I..It's okay to do it when nobody's watching...I guess.." Midoriya was a meek minded girl at times but she liked Kirishima, She would never admit this out loud but she liked the thought of Kiri's touch, she was greedy for it..no matter where it was. "Oh? Really? Nobody's here right now" Kirishima smirked into the back of his other free hand,  Deku shook her head "No..Denki's over there hiding in the teacher's desk and Mina is over there hiding in the curtain of the classroom. It isn't hard to find them if you look hard enough, besides..why did you want to touch them anyway?" Midoriya said as Mina and Denki got out from their hiding places. "I just wanted to embarrass you like you said, when we were back in the dorms-" Midoriya cut him off, putting  a hand over his mouth. "I don't mind if you touch me, Just don't be so care-free about it..that's only something you and I should know." She says lowering her hand. "What a bummer" Kirishima pouted, I wanted to show the entire school that your like 'my play thing?'." Midoriya flinched at the name while Kiri shook his head.

"No no that doesn't sound right, sounds like I'm playing you or something..." Kirishima trailed off in thought. "W..well I've gotta go, you know class started a few minutes ago, people are bound to come back flooding this classroom." She said walking away while Kirishima was still lost in thought.

Midorya sighed and clapped her hands loudly, as to get Kirishima's attention. Kirishima jolted as Deku lowered her hands. "Are you done? Can we go?" She asked leaning down to see his face that was looking to the floor. "H..Huh oh..Y..yeah we should go huh?" Kiri chuckled while Deku stayed straight faced. "Mhm" She simply hummed walking out of the classroom, Kirishima trailing behind her clearly confused. 'what's she upset about? Did I hurt her feelings by accidently saying she was my "play thing?' She knows that I was kidding right?' "Deku-" Kirishima was cut off by someone pulling him into a closet. "What the hell is your problem??!!" Kirishima said turning to face the person that pulled him in there. "Bakubro...?"

Meanwhile, Deku had turned to see why Kirishima's footsteps had stopped behind her. And upon seeing that Kiri wasn't behind her felt degrading, he ditched her probably to go hang out with his friends. Midoriya felt the urge to cry when a certain thought crossed her mind. 'Maybe he just doesn't like you or wanna be seen with you'  Deku crossed her arms under her chest, as to hug herself and continued walking late to her next class.

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