I want to ask...but I can't

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Sorry had to add that in lets get to the story

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Sorry had to add that in lets get to the story

Midoriya POV

I sat on my bed and thought about what happened earlier 'I thought kiri was just messing around but he was tired maybe he heard him wrong but now that Denki's confirmed it I guess he wasn't kidding..' I continued to sink deeper into my bed until I heard the door open. Before I had a chance to look to see who it was I felt weight on my back, whoever they are I'm pretty sure they just passed out on my back..? I sat up to turn the light on from my bed to see who it was. Of course it's Kirishima "Kiri what's the matter, darling?" Kiri laughed weakly "You make it seem like we're a couple Deku...hahah" He laughs weakly again "You sound exhausted honey just get some rest, let me just hold you until you fall asleep." I said in the most comforting way I know how "Ha..I would love that.." Kiri says as I turn over on my back as Kiri makes his way to my chest, getting into the position we were in earlier, I threw a blanket over Kirishima and myself as I scratched his head softly, while he was drowning me in complements. "I love using your chest as pillows they're so soft and I feel so relaxed this way..." I blushed "your very pretty too Midoriya..."Thank you kiri"
"I don't get to meet many girls as kind as you..." "I'm glad you think so kiri, means a lot to me" I said rubbing his back with my free hand "There are the girls in 1-A but somehow you stand out" "You think?" I replied keeping my voice low as his "I like that about you Midoriya" That was the last thing he said before going to sleep. 'And he's out like a light..' I slid my hand up the wall to feel for the light switch to turn it off so Kiri and I could sleep in complete darkness.

I couldn't sleep, no surprise there trying to sleep with a boy that weighs way more than you on your chest and stomach ha yeah like I can sleep that easily I wish I stayed silent listening to Kirishima breathe in then out several seconds later before repeating the process. I continued rubbing his back in slow circles to keep him asleep. I wish I could ask Kiri how Kacchan confessed I wanna know if he'll accept it or not, does he know I like him more than a friend? If anything I gotta plan confessing nowhere soon cause two confessions would be overwhelming for him...yeah for now I'll stay quiet...thats what's best and what will make him and everyone happy...


469 words MAAAAN ITS BEEN A FATASS MINUTE SINCE I UPDATED THIS STORY GOD how did y'all not get disinterested in my bullshit?

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