♡Izuku and Kirishima♡

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Bet you thought this was gonna be smut

Izuku had just gotten back from the training grounds in UA she'd almost wore herself out she walked- practically limped- back to her shared dorm with Kirishima.

Her only thoughts were on a nice hot bath that she could fall asleep in but knowing Kirishima was there that wasn't gonna happen.

Kirishima was on his way to the dorm with a bag full of things, Midoriya's favorite things to be more exact

Nonetheless Midoriya ran herself a hot bath thankful that Kirishima wasn't back yet.

A few minutes later Midoriya heard the door open, she silently groaned to herself and pulled the sheets over her head. "Midoriyaaaa~" Kirishima sang, I have some gifts for yooouuu~" Midoriya peeked her slightly frizzled head out from the sheets and peered over to Kirishima who held the two bags in his hands.
Midoriya sighed, believing it would be best to sit up for this.

Kirishima happily plopped down onto Deku's bed, handing her the bags of 'gifts' she peered into the bag finding chocolate, green tea, and a carry out tray that she assumed was probably katsu or beef stew. She looked to Kirishima with a confused look. "What's all this for?" Midoriya asked, "Can I not spoil my favorite girl in the entire universe? It's just a few things to say 'I love you" Kirishima smiles. Midoriya returns a tired smile back to the artificial red head next to her.

"Thank you.." Midoriya stares at the bag in her hands, her eyes travel to the second bag Kirishima's still holding. "What's in that bag?" She asks leaning back on her hands.
"Oh this? Hehe this is for another time, when we you know have some fun" Kirishima chuckles, leaving Midoriya baffled. "That was a one time thing okay!" Midoriya huffed while Kirishima's laughter got louder. "You say that now but I know you'll be begging for more eventually!" Kiri teases Midoriya with a slick smile and continues to laugh at his own witty jokes and comments.

Midoriya pushed at Kirishima while he continues to wheeze at his own comments, pushing him onto the floor he eventually doubled over coughing cause of laughing too hard.
Midoriya crossed her arms, "C'mon Kiri it wasn't that funny" She spits, fully laying back now. Kirishima only mustered a spit laugh in response. "I'm not laughing at me I'm laughing at your face!! You should'da seen the look on your face when I said 'that's for when we have some fun' Bahaha! You looked so bewildered!!" Kirishima rolls on the floor with a sigh, ending his laughing fit with a sigh.

"I'm sorry pebble I didn't mean to laugh at you it's just you looked so cute I couldn't help it." Midoriya huffed "Whatever." Midoriya closed her eyes, she was getting tired, she'd been training all day. "Can I get a kiss? Maybe a smooch? Just a little itty bitty peck?" Kirishima's voice got higher as he continued to ask.
In response Midoriya lowered herself from leaning against the pillows against the wall, sliding down -taking a few with her- to the sheets and rolled over to the wall. Kirishima faked a sob, "Babyyyy please I'm so sorry!!" Midoriya rolled over slightly glaring at him, his antics were intended to be cute but they were really bothering Midoriya a little in the moment, she didn't mind at first just him dragging it on was the annoying bit.

She sat up, leaning toward Kirishima holding his face by the side of his jaw, pulling him in for a little kiss that she allowed to get heated for a moment, letting her tounge slip in for a moment before pulling away completely and laying back down, this time leaving Kirishima bewildered.

This is honestly just a filler chapter since I haven't been updating so enjoy this cause the next one's gonna be the last chapter. Cause I have zero zerlch inspiration to write these stories and I'm working on a decent Y/N for everyone cause not everyone is a girl not everyone is a blond blue eyed skinny white chick like most Y/N's are in certain stories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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