"Nice work, Dirk!" Farah said.

Todd walked around trying to find something they could maybe open it with when he saw a lead pipe from underneath the floor, perfect. He ran towards the monster and began hitting it, denting the metal with a loud bang each time, causing the rest of them to jump. It finally opened to reveal a complex organization of "Gears?" Todd said. "Don't you think gears are a little strange for a machine like this?"

"Not for the time period, no." Farah walked over to where he stood, Dirk and Tina in toe.

"I say we move on, we've got a whole mansion to search. Todd and I will go this way and you and Tina can go that way." Dirk said.

"Split up? Dude, that's like the number one thing you're not supposed to do in horror movies." Tina objected.

"Well this isn't a horror movie, is it? And we have our phones." He replied. "We'll meet back here."

"Ok. Good luck!" Farah responded before heading to the right with Tina before Dirk and Todd went left.

"You just wanted to be alone with me, didn't you?" Todd looked up at Dirk.

"Is that a crime?" He leant down to kiss Todd.

"Never." He smiled.

They continued walking down the winding halls, holding hands of course. With each step the floor creaked and dust flew around them. Cobwebs in door frames, burns and stains on the walls. The most interesting thing about this place was the pictures. Framed images of things that felt familiar, like something out of a dream, but things they had never seen or knew the purpose of. And with each glance at them, a wave of dizziness and pain dashed across their heads.

"This place is odd, very odd." Dirk turned to Todd.

"It i-AAHHH!" The floor collapsed right from underneath Todd.

"Todd?! TODD?!" Dirk dropped to the ground, his voice shook. He put his hand in the hole where his love once stood. "GRAB MY HAND! TODD?!"


Farah and Tina walked through the maze of halls, examining every little detail. Every crack in the wall, every stain, every... burn?

"Tina, this wall is burnt." Farah gently touched the wall.


"That's it? Weird? It looks like it's been shot or something, but not like a bullet." She moved her face closer to the wall. "See? It's darkest point is here," She pointed to the center. "And it expands outward, jagged looking."

"And that means...?"

"If this were any other burn, like from a fire, first of all, it would be much bigger, and secondly, it wouldn't have this shape. It looks almost like- what was that?" She turned around at the sound of a small crackle.


Todd fell through a hole, a hole in the floor. But despite that, he was back in the foyer, except with no monster. He heard trumpets.

And now the company jumps, when he plays reveille
He's the boogie-woogie bugle boy of Company B

And static, blaring static. Almost deafening. He knew immediately where he was. But how was that possible? He ran around, trying to find a phone.

Dirk Gently and The Ghosts of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now