As I reached the main door of the house I wear my shoes and slowly open the door and step outside immediately being welcomed by the cold breeze of this beautiful night it's raining but not really that heavy just a couple of drops showering the plants

I took a deep breath standing on the porch smiling when the wet smell of the plants hit my nose, it's so relaxing to listen to the drops of rain only if your mind was clear and relaxed but I'm far from that my head was a roller coaster from the beginning of this year

I pulled the pocket of cigarettes out and the black lighter as well, I opened it taking with my two fingers a one white rolled cigarette then putting the rest back inside my pants pocket, I lifted the cigarette to hold it up between my lips my teeth slowly bite on it to keep it steady as I lift the lighter up in front of my face copping my other hand over it to keep the flame from the wind so it won't die out

After the end of the cigarette catch a flame I returned the lighter to my pocket and inhale the smoke from the cigarette filter side letting the deathly smoke filling my length fogging around them until it was hard to keep it inside anymore so I exhale the white smoke from my slightly parted lips and my nose as well

I took another deep drag looking at the dark empty street and how the rain hitting the concrete floor before taking the cigarette between my middle and index finger so I let the smoke leave my mouth fully this time

"Do you always smoke?" I nearly had a heart attack when I heard the voice behind me startle me I quickly turned around with slight wide eyes to look at the small little body setting on the small wooden porch swing right to the far left where I didn't see it when I came out here

"You scared me.." I whispered shallowing my cheek to suck on the cigarette again "how long have you been here?" I asked slowly walking to her so I can see her face clearly even though it's too dark we barely see each other but I notice she has her feet left up on the swing telling that she's been her way longer than I am

She didn't answer just shrugged her shoulders, I looked at her before leaning on the wall across from the swing so that means the railing of the house and the street behind me as I faced her leaning my back and head on the cold wall before answering her previous question "no.. I don't smoke often only when I'm stressed or in a need for one" I whispered looking down at my fingers holding the cigarette before taking another drag from it

"And which one are you right now?" She asked back and I looked at my yellow shoes before I looked back at her dark shadow face

"Both...why you up this late Mari?" I walked slowly before setting next to her on the swing leaning my elbows on my knees while my both legs are open holding my cigarette out watching how the flames going down the cigarette burning it slowly

"I'm both you mind if I take a drag?" She asked and I turned my head to the side looking at her nodding her head to the cigarette between my fingers

"What if I said no?" I asked smirking to myself
"Well then I guess I can say no to our movie night as well" she said and I can hear the smirk in her voice I chuckled shaking my head looking down at the floor before lifting the cigarette to my lips taking a long drag and holding the smoke there

I straightened my back and get closer to her she looked confused at me before I leaned closer to her face I looked at her eyes to see hers were looking deep in mine I lift my hand that holding the cigarette with two fingers and pushed her curls behind her ear so it give me a good look of her full face, she leaned closer to my lips parting hers slowly and her hand on my thigh

I leaned even more closer feeling the smoke is hurting my length so I needed to get it out soon I slowly parted my lips in front of hers before blowing the white smoke in her mouth and she gladly suck it all like it's her last breath to take when the smoke is finally free from my length I pressed my lips to hers in a hungry kiss missing the way they felt around mine

Mr.Styles (H.S Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now