We reached the room where the fight would take place, which turned out to be rather boring.

Y/n: "I expected a lot more from two of the strongest fighters in this place"
Chrollo: "It's obvious that there are no people like us, they don't waste time with this bullshit, although they shouldn't be underestimated"
Y/n: "We bet I'll beat him right away?"
Chrollo: "Huh? What makes you think so?"
Y/n: "The mere fact that I've been training all my life to reach you?"
Chrollo: "That's why I brought you here, it's not a dangerous place and I want to see the result of your efforts"
Y/n: "It's okay for me to challenge him immediately"
Chrollo: "You can't right now. You must first reach the 200th floor"
Y/n: "Bet".

Chrollo's pov

Y/n left the room leaving me alone. She'll start fighting right away.
All right, I'll let her.
In the meantime, I can go get her some clothes and accessories.
I went to the biggest mall in town and stole the most expensive and beautiful clothes. In between shops,
I passed a jewelry store and a brilliant ring with an amazing diamond caught my eye. I have an idea.
I didn't hesitate to steal it along with other various accessories.
I also went to an underwear store and got her some outfits that would look great on her.
Can't wait to see them on her tonight.

I went back to the apartment, but y/n still wasn't there, so I decided to call Hisoka to ask him about Nen's Specialist.

Chrollo: "Hey"
Hisoka: "Yoo~♡"
Chrollo: "Did you find the specialist?"
Hisoka: "There's one inside Greed island, I have to find a way to get in and ask him to cure you~♧"
Chrollo: "It's not a disease.
Try to hurry up"
Hisoka: "There are two prices to pay, one for the specialist and the other for hurrying up~♢"
Chrollo: "Tsk. Go ahead"
Hisoka: "Fight me~♤"
Chrollo: "If you really want to die, that's fine. The other condition?"
Hisoka: "I don't want y/n to forget about me by leaving my life~♡"
Chrollo: "It's impossible for her to forget someone like you, so we can close it here"
Hisoka: "You misunderstood~♤"
Chrollo: "What do you want?!"
Hisoka: "I don't want her to be forbidden to meet me~♧"
Chrollo: "As long as I'm around, it's fine. You know I don't trust you, but I don't even want me to be the only one in her life, she's free to have some friends"

Y/n: "Hey Chrollo! I got access to the 200th floor! Who are you talking to?"
Chrollo: "I guessed you'd try right away, how good is my kitten.
Oh, it's Hisoka On the phone, we were just discussing my Nen"
Y/n: "Say hi from me! But what do you mean by your Nen?"
Hisoka: "Is it y/n?~♡"
Chrollo: "Yes. She greets you, but now I have to go, the agreements are the same"
Hisoka: "Oh, say hello back~♢ I'll call you as soon as I get your Nen back~♤"
Chrollo: "Yeah yeah, bye".

Call ended.

Your pov

Why did they have to talk about his Nen?

Chrollo: "Hey sweetheart, I got you a present for reaching the 200th floor. Open the closet"
Y/n: "Really!?"
Chrollo: "Try to see for yourself"

I opened the closet and it was jam-packed with classy or gothic clothes, various types of shoes and boots, tops, skirts and even some pants.

Y/n: "wow! All this is all too much!"
Chrollo: "Open the drawer"

I opened the top drawer and it was full of sexy and expensive lingerie outfits. Wow... This life is going to take a while to get used to!
I turned back to hug him but he preceded me kissing me passionately.

Y/n: "You are really fantastic..."
Chrollo: "You're wrong, you are the fantastic one here, and you would be even more so if you tried one of those underwear outfits"
Y/n: "I don't see why I shouldn't~"

I got up and picked up one of the underwear outfits he had bought me.

Y/n: "Don't peek, I'll be right back"

I went to the bathroom undressing and putting on the outfit.
I chose a bright red two-piece lace with two bows that made it all a little bit cute.
Admiring my sexiness in the mirror, I wrapped myself in a towel to surprise him.

Chrollo: "I did not remember buying you a towel, moreover dirty"

I slowly dropped the towel to the floor, showing the lace outfit that perfectly stood out my curves. He grinned as he took off his jacket and motioned me to sit on his lap.

Chrollo: "I knew I shouldn't have taken it, you're too gorgeous like that"
Y/n: "If you really insist I'll take it off~"
Chrollo: "No, I wouldn't be able to control myself. It's better not to do it tonight, otherwise it'll hurt you too much. Yesterday I was too violent, I don't want my little girl to ruin her best moments~"
Y/n: "Then you say you're not fantastic"

He gave me a another one kiss and then got up to find more comfortable clothes.

Chrollo: "Well, let's make sure you're my girlfriend from now on, but since you should have been right away, why don't we make up for the time we didn't spend together and tell me a little about yourself? For example, explain this to me, why do you keep repeating that I saved you?"
Y/n: "Nice idea! So, it all started when I was 3 years old, indeed even before my birth..."

We spent the whole night telling each other about our pasts, our interests, our personalities... In short, about us. Chrollo also explained to me about Nen's specialist that Hisoka is looking for and that once he gets his Nen back he will have to challenge him. Although most of the time I was the only one talking, Chrollo answered many of my questions "I don't know" or "I don't know this trait of me", as if he were speaking from the point of view of a third person. So I promised him that I will be the one to give him the answers for him in time, so that he can understand himself and live happily together.

Chrollo: "I don't know how to thank you, you are really special, I don't know what incredible void I would be navigating if you weren't here with me"
Y/n: "Don't think I'd be in good shape instead, I'd probably be sleeping on the street living the life of a fucking depressed girl who has no goals"
Chrollo: "Am I really that important to you? I mean, so much that you left even your only friends? I don't deserve all this, you should at least have someone else to have fun with like a normal girl"

Y/n: "Don't tell me these things just because you are afraid that after a while I will consider you a possessive maniac, I would never allow myself to think that! However I'm somehow remained friends with Hisoka and Illumi, but I haven't heard from him for a long time...
He'll be on some important mission"
Chrollo: "You are so lovely, really. I'm not used to all this sweetness, I'll die of cuteness"
Y/n: "If I'm too sweet then I will not hesitate to reduce your back, so much that you will not be able to lie down anymore, I'll even scratch your bones~"
Chrollo: "It's the only thing you can do to me in bed. I'm the one who has to break your back, so much so that you won't be able to walk anymore~"
Y/n: "I guess crutches aren't that uncomfortable~"

Chrollo: "Silly, if I really lose control I'll be the one to carry you, I'm not that asshole, and then a mixture of cute, naughty and violent is ideal"
Y/n: "You practically described me"
Chrollo: "I'm a professional thief, I can recognize the most precious things~"
Y/n: "Chrollo..."
Chrollo: "If you don't say it I'll be the one to say it this time"
Y/n: "Let's say it together then"
Chrollo: "All right, ready?"
Y/n: "always"

Chrollo took a deep breath before saying it, as if wondering if the time really was right, but he was pretty sure nothing was going to go wrong by now.

Chrollo: "Three..."
Y/n: "Two..."
Chrollo: "One..."

Y/n and Chrollo: "I love you~♡"

Smiling, we gave each other a kiss that seemed infinite from the passion we were getting into it.
On my cheek I felt a tear that tickled me, although it wasn't mine.
We stayed in this position for a while, with the sun's rays illuminating the whole room, not wanting to get up anymore.

𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt