Chapter 39: Treading Forward

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As the sun drew downward, Roslan sat in her car pondering what to do. Roslan said to herself "if I do find them, I don't have an army, I couldn't save them all on my own." Roslan lays her head on the steering wheel top and says "What would Kelly do?" Roslan soon looked back at the flier and said "she would gather as much firepower and strike. And I know where to find that firepower." Roslan drives to several houses nearby. She picked up Marshmelo Fluff, Richard, and Henrietta. They soon arrive at the police station, soon standing around a table. Marshmelo fluff said "so wait, Heidi and the other Feebles gang got captured and you need us to help you save them?" Roslan said "yep exactly." Richard said "no offense Roslan, but two wedding planners and an ex news anchor aren't gonna do much against those two gangs." Roslan said "not just you 3, I have the rest covered. I just need all the help I can get." Henrietta said "what other help could you get?" Roslan said "you'll see," As she soon turns her car on and drives to the FBI headquarters. Roslan parked in the lot and walked into the building. Roslan got through security and walked into the head director's office. Roslan knocked on the door and Director Jackson answered "come in." Roslan walked into the room and said "Director Jackson, I need your help." Jackson said "help in what way Oswalds?" Roslan said "it's about the Calvary gang and Cantren gang. I have their location, but I am lacking in numbers." Jackson said "I see, so what do you need from us?" Roslan said "I need all the forces you got. Only with that we can bring the two gangs into justice." Jackson said as he stood up and paced a little "they have been causing a lot of havoc in the city. If we put an end to them now, there will be less crime." He turned to Roslan and said "my agents are at your disposal." Roslan said "thank you sir, you won't regret this." As Roslan drove off, the goons sent to find Sidney and Seymour were driving back to the theater. The goons carried Sidney and Seymour into the theater and dropped them next to the others. Robert said "oh no they got to Sidney." Arthur said "do you think he's dead?" Robert tried to crawl over to Sidney and shortly after, Sidney woke up. Robert said "oh thank god he's alive." Sidney sighed and coughed up a little blood as he said "where are we? What happened?" Arthur said "we were captured by the gangs, they are planning to kill us." Sidney said "what do we do? Where's Heidi and Cesar?" Arthur said "I'm not sure what we do, at this point they might kill us right then and there if we try to escape let alone fight back." Robert said "I think Heidi and Cesar are in the other room tied up as well." Sidney leaned up with his hands still behind his back tied up. Sidney looked at the door some ways away to see if there was anyone there. A metal clanking could be heard nearby. Seymour slowly began waking up as the clanking occurred. Desman walked in holding a knife while saying "well then, now the gangs all here, let's have some fun shall we?" As Desman picked up Seymour, Sidney squirmed trying to get up. Seymour shook in fear as Desman held a knife towards his neck. Desman said "you took my husband away, now I will take one of your loved ones away." As Desman held the knife near Seymour's neck, Sidney screamed "please don't! hurt me instead! Don't hurt my son!" Desman said "that's the point, now you will feel my pain!" Desman was about to slash Seymour's neck until Sidney broke free from his restraints. Sidney grunted as he stood up struggling while he stood up. Desman was inches away from the slash until Sidney punched Desman in the face. Desman grunted and let go of Seymour as he fell back against the wall. Seymour fell to the ground and squirmed to safety. Sidney said "you don't mess with my friends or my family." As he pushes Desman's wrist against the wall with the knife still in his hand. Sidney crushed Desman's wrist as Desman screamed in pain. The knife went into the wall as Desman kicked Sidney's side, causing a light blow to his ribs. Sidney grunted but kicked Desman in the leg to cause him to fall. Desman fell to the ground and flipped around to kick Sidney in the kneecaps. Sidney said "nice try asshole." As he stepped on Desman's leg snapping it in half. Desman cried in agony as he felt his bones break. Sidney picked him up and threw him against the wall. Desman grunted as he slightly stood up with aid of the wall and saw a pistol next to him. Desman picked up the pistol and aimed it at Sidney until Sidney grabbed the knife from the wall and threw it towards Desman. Desman fires a bullet towards Sidney but the bullet flew past him as the knife went right into Desman's head. Desman gasped as he dropped the pistol. Sidney walked over to him and said "send my regards to the devil for me." As he pulled out the knife from his head causing blood to spurt out of Desman's head onto him and on the ground. Desman's body fell limp on the ground as he died. Arthur said "holy shit Sid," Sidney soon cuts Seymour free then the others free as he said "quick we need to find Heidi and Cesar." As the others got up and walked into the hallway. Roslan drove back to the police station followed by several swat trucks and vans. Marshmelo fluff, Richard and Henrietta looked from the doorway of the police station to see all the cars line up. Roslan got out of the car and said "here's our army." Richard said "well I'll be damned." They all got into the police station, Roslan puts a map on the table and said "alright so their forces will most likely be all over the place, we need to flank them head on to draw their fire so the others can get out. Me, Marshmelo Fluff, and Richard will head in as you all create a diversion of fire outside the theater. Hopefully by the time we get to them, their forces will be dwindling enough to be put into custody. This is a life or death situation, any questions?" One agent spoke up saying "so how will we know where to go to escort the feebles out?" Roslan said "there's a back entrance of the theater, I'll contact one of you by phone to pick us up from there. Got it? Great, let's get to it people." As they all went into cars and drove to the theater. Within the theater, Heidi sat there, still tied up as her makeup ran down her face. The curtains were closed now, not knowing where Cesar was taken. Heidi cried more as she became more frightened of what might happen. Heidi began to sing wearily "on a magic night.... when the way you feel... is a mystery... it will be revealed...could be an angel...from up above...With a flower from the garden. a garden of loveeeeee." Heidi cried more as she remembered all of her past again. Heidi felt the babies kicking once more and said "I hope we'll get out of here. But I won't be able to in this." She soon thought of an idea and began to sway her legs back and forth. The chair began to sway back and forth as she continued to swing her legs. The chair soon gave way as it broke under the swinging. Heidi landed on the ground, still tied to the chair by her wrists. Heidi soon said "I need to find something to cut these ropes." She looked around as she shuffled backwards, the chair scraping the ground as she did so. Heidi soon bumped into something overhead. She looked up to see it was a knife. She scooted up trying to get her hand closer to it. She turned slightly and grabbed the knife's handle. She soon curves the knife on the ropes and cuts through the ropes. Once she got one hand free, she grabbed the knife and cut the other ropes as well. Heidi slowly got up and said "now to find Cesar and the others. I'm coming my love." As she held the knife tightly and ran though still wearily through the curtain to the backstage. Meanwhile on the roof of the building stood two Catren goons. They kept watch of what came around. One goon said "you think we should worry if the cops will be onto us?" The other goon said "not a chance, I'm sure Whitey and Stevenson have thrown them off our trail." The other goon said "you're right, it should be fi-" the goon heard cars screeching to a halt in front of the building. The Agents got out of the cars and aimed their pistols as one said "shoot to kill." The goons on the roof said "oh shi-" as they were both shot to death. Their bodies falling off the roof onto the ground below. Roslan, Marshmelo Fluff and Richard ran out of the car and charged to the side of the building to the back entrance. One agent said "quick, we have to fend off their goons while they get the feebles out. Move in!" As the agent busted down the door and they charged inside the building. One goon looked out the window seeing the FBI cars outside and said "oh shit, boss, we got company!" Lenny went up to the window and said "shit, get the others rounded up, give them all we got." The goon said "yes boss," as the goon ran out of the office with an AK. Lenny smoked a cigarette as he looked out the window and said "it's time for vengeance." Lenny went out of his office and went to the lower floor to gather goons to gather the feebles. A group of goons went to find the feebles. One goon ran into the holding room and said "damn, they escaped." The other goon said "find them quick! We can't lose them!" The goons ran through the building looking for the feebles. Roslan, Marshmelo Fluff and Richard quickly ran in through the back entrance. They soon came across a large goon guarding the back area, looking towards them. Richard said "quick go find the feebles, I'll take him." Marshmelo fluff said "but hun, you can't take hi-" Richard pulled Marshmelo fluff to him and said "I'll buy you guys some time." He kisses Marshmelo fluff deeply and said "now go, I'll take him on." Marhsmelo fluff said "I love you Richard." Richard said "I love you too my sweet Marshmelo." Roslan said to Marshmelo fluff "quick let's go." Marshmelo fluff ran alongside Roslan as Richard puts up his fists saying "this'll be a walk in the park." Richard pops his neck without his fists and the large goon charged at Richard. The large goon continued to charge at Richard until Richard grabbed a hold of the large goon's head and flipped over him. Richard landed on the ground behind him and kicked his back. The large goon grunted but turned around as he threw a punch towards Richard. Richard leaned backwards, dodging his punch. The large goon grabbed a large box and threw it against Richard. Richard grunted and flew back against the wall. The large goon grabbed a hold of a knife nearby and stabbed Richard. Richard quickly dodged the knife stab and grabbed ahold of the large goon's arm saying "I hope this works." As Richard swung his head back and slammed it down to where his beak went straight through the large goon's arm. The large goon screamed in pain and dropped the knife. Richard grabbed it mid air and stabbed the knife right into the large goon's stomach. The large goon grunted as Richard kicked the large goon into large boxes behind him. Meanwhile Roslan and Marshmelo fluff ran into a hallway. They were met with five goons, Roslan said "don't worry, I got this." Roslan pulled out her pistol and Marshmelo fluff said "wait, allow me." Roslan confused what she meant stood back holding her pistol. The goons charged at Marshmelo fluff, they didn't know what was gonna happen. Marshmelo fluff grinned and soon showed her teeth more as she grabbed ahold of one goon and swung them against the wall and bit another one in the shoulder. She swung the goon across the hall as the three other goons shot towards her. Marshmelo fluff charged towards the goons and head butted one across the room into a wall. She grabbed the other one and swung him into the last goon. Roslan said shockingly "woah." Marshmelo fluff said "the beast has awakened, let's move." Roslan ran with Marshmelo fluff shortly after. The agents ran in firing at the goons ahead. The goons fired back as one agent ran out of ammo and charged with his bare fists. He dodged the fire as he jumped on boxes ahead. He grabbed one of the goon's guns and swung the goon into another goon. He laid bullets into nearby goons as more agents fired. More goons died as Lenny looked for the feebles to find they escaped. Lenny heard heavy footsteps nearby and peeked through the threshold to see Heidi running through the hall. Lenny smirked as he grabbed ahold of a knife nearby and went towards Heidi sneakily. Heidi looked around for her love until Lenny grabbed her from behind. The knife was held to Heidi's neck as Lenny said "now what are you up to Heidi? You remember what happens if you cause any trouble. Heidi held her breath as she felt his grip get tighter, afraid this was her end. Lenny said "I should kill you right now, but I want to wait, I need more of an audience." As Lenny held the knife closer to Heidi's neck. Lenny said as he heard more agents running into the building "it's showtime." Lenny walked Heidi to the stage as the other feebles ran through the building. Roslan and Marshmelo Fluff run into the other feebles. Sidney bumped into Marshmelo Fluff accidentally and both groups stopped. Roslan held her pistol up until Robert said "wait don't shoot, we aren't goons!" Roslan looked again and said "oh thank god, quick there's no time, we need to find the others and get out of here." Two goons overhead watched them as one signals the other. The other goon drops gas grenades down to the ground. Roslan looked down at the grenades then said "oh shi-!" The grenades went off and instantly knocked out both groups. The two goons from above jump down and one said "quick, lets drag them to the stage, boss would want them there for his plan." The feebles get dragged to the stage while Lenny ties Heidi up. Lenny smirked as he took a breath of his cigar and blew it on Heidi's face saying "I'm going to see where everyone else is." As Lenny walked into the other room while the goons dragged the feebles into the theater room. Cesar was in a dark room tied to a chair. He looked around as he soon was greeted by Lenny saying "wake up raven, you're the main star." Lenny slapped Cesar's face and clicked a button on the wall that made the chair that Cesar was tied to go upwards. Lenny walked back upstairs as Cesar looked down at the ropes. He under his wing held the knife Lenny had in his pocket from before. Cesar quickly slid the knife to the ropes on his wing to cut through. The agents finally make it into the stage room to see a curtain covering most of the stage. Devon, a head agent said "hands up Lenny! We got you surrounded!" Lenny slowly walked on stage and said "good to see my audience has arrived. Now before the show, I will say, I don't think it's your best interest to aim those towards the stage." Lenny looked to the side of the stage signaling the curtains to be pulled up. Behind Lenny, the feebles were tied up, some of them tied up dangling from the ceiling and others to chairs. Lenny pulled a revolver out from his pocket saying "now then," as Lenny spins the chamber. "If anyone interrupts the show, well, my flipper will be forced." As Lenny aimed towards Cesar, Devon said "cut the shit Lenny, you're outnumbered." Lenny said "oh am I? Why don't you look in the crowd." Some agents looked back to see goons throughout all the rows. Devon said "You're disturbed Lenny, harming innocent people for your benefit." Lenny said "Hold your criticism at the end g-man, now how about a little song." As Lenny aimed the revolver towards Heidi. She shook in fear as she began to sing murredly "on a magic night.... when the way you feel... is a mystery... it will be revealed...could be an angel...from up above...With a flower from the garden...  a garden of loveeeeee." Lenny aimed the revolver at Lucille and the other girls as they began singing the chorus. "On another day... it may come again...  It's a Valentine...  From a special friend... That certain someone... You've been dreaming of... With a flower from the garden... A garden of loveeeeee..." Lenny said "ah, music, isn't it a lovely thing, when it's not coming out of a wildebeest of a woman." Heidi kept silent as Lenny went on. Lenny swung the revolver as he said "although, now my narrative has some tone now." As Lenny went over to Cesar and held the revolver right at his head. The agents aimed their rifles towards him until Lenny said "Now g-men, what have I said about interruptions." Cesar gulped as he was faced with a revolver to the head. Soon Devon said "what do you want Lenny? Someone of your expertise must have a price." Lenny said "I only have one desire, g-men, to see these mother fuckers feel the pain I have!" Right before Lenny pulled the trigger, Cesar flipped the knife upwards and stabbed Lenny in his side. Lenny grunted and dropped the revolver as he held his side. Devon said "fire at the walrus men!" The goons from behind began firing at the agents as the agents fired towards Lenny. Cesar kicked upwards to break the ropes and hit the floor. Lenny's body landed some bullets but he still stood as he pulled the knife out and went to grab the revolver. Cesar quickly grabbed the knife and crawled to Heidi. Lenny saw Cesar cutting Heidi free and aimed the revolver towards Cesar. Cesar cut Heidi free but was shot in the back by Lenny. Heidi gasped as Cesar gulped, feeling the bullet go through. Cesar began bleeding at the mouth as he fell to the ground. Heidi cried as she kneeled down to him, holding him tight as Lenny said "I won! Now you'll feel the same pain as me Heidi! How does it feel huh!?" A voice from above said "not as bad as this!" Lenny looked up as he saw Richard swing down from a rope and kick Lenny to the ground. Richard landed on the stage as Heidi held Cesar in her arms bleeding. Heidi said "oh Cesar, you're gonna be okay, we'll get you better. Please, don't go into the light." As she teared up, Cesar looked to see Lenny get up and run into the curtain to the backroom. Cesar said wearily "Lenny is getting away." Heidi said "sweetie don't worry about him, the agents can get him." Cesar slowly sat up and said "He messed with you, he messed with our family, I am going to give him a piece of vengeance." Cesar grunted as he got up with help from Heidi. Richard looked at Cesar and said "Hey Cesar," as he tossed Cesar an AK-47 and said "give em hell." Cesar smiled and nodded as he turned to Heidi and said "get out of here with the others." As Cesar kissed Heidi deeply then wearily ran towards where Lenny went. Heidi saw the knife on the ground and grabbed it as she began cutting the others free. As more agents and goons fired at one another, Devon ran to the others and said "follow me, I know an exit." As Devon and the feebles began running out of the building through the back. Cesar weakly walked to where Lenny was as Lenny weakly went for a rifle. Cesar held his chest as he fired a bullet into Lenny's flipper. Cesar said aggressively "you messed with my love." As Cesar fired another bullet into Lenny's bottom half when Lenny turned to see Cesar. Lenny grunted as he held his desk with Cesar saying "you caused all of this hell upon the feebles." As Cesar fired another bullet to Lenny's lower half. Lenny grunted in pain as Lenny said wearily "please, mercy." As Lenny saw a wine bottle and grabbed it. Cesar said "but most of all, you almost killed my family." Lenny broke the bottle and jumped up about to stab Cesar with the broken wine bottle until Cesar said "get mercy in hell fucker!" As Cesar fired off rounds into Lenny, causing him to fall backwards. Lenny gasped as he was filled with bullets and fell back on the window. The weight of Lenny's body broke the window causing him to fall through. Cesar continued to fire rounds until Lenny's body began falling through the air. Lenny's body fell down to the stage room crowd, dying from all the bullets unloaded into his body. Cesar laughs maniacally while holding his chest wound. Some goons saw Lenny's body fall and one shouted "shit the boss is dead! Scatter!" The goons began running out of the building but were stopped by agents at all ends of the building. The agents helped the others get out and they all stood outside of the building. Director Jackson was outside the building. He walked over to Roslan and said "Roslan." Roslan said "yes director?" Director Jackson said "thank you for bringing the Catren and Calvary Gangs to Justice. All odds were against you and you stuck through." Roslan said "thank you Director." Director Jackson said "I wanted to make you a proposition Roslan." Roslan said "what is the proposition Director?" Director Jackson said "I would like to propose you joining our ranks at the FBI. You have more than what it takes to make an excellent agent. Do you accept?" Roslan said excitedly "oh my god, yes of course Director." Director Jackson said "excellent agent Roslan." Roslan smiled then looked to see Kelly and said to Director Jackson "Oh Director, I-" Director Jackson said while smiling "go get her Roslan." Roslan smiled and ran towards Kelly, soon jumping into her arms. Kelly blushes a little until Roslan kisses Kelly deeply. Kelly continued the kiss as she held her up by her waist. The other feebles were hugging and relieved that Lenny and his goons were gone. Heidi held her stomach as she looked for Cesar as agents headed out of the building. Shortly after, Cesar weakly walked out of the building using the AK-47 as a crutch. Heidi gasped as she had tears in her eyes. She ran towards him and hugged Cesar tightly crying. Cesar smiled and hugged her tight as ambulances came. Throughout the building laid dead bodies of agents and goons all around, the terror on the feebles has finally died. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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