Chapter 37: Many Tribulations

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Kelly awoke from being knocked out by a member of the Catren Gang. Kelly tries to get up but sees she is tied to a chair. Kelly looked around and shouted "what do you want from me?" A clanking can be heard, soon revealing Desman with a metal bat hitting the poles nearby. Kelly looked to see Desman as he said "good, you're awake." Desman held the bat in his hand as he said "now you are gonna do several things for me," as he held the tip of the bat near her head and said "and If you do them, you'll be set free." Kelly said "and what are you gonna do if I don't. You don't have the balls to do anything to you're only communication to the fee- '' Desman flips the bat around and hits her in the jaw with the end of the bat. Kelly groans in pain, her nostril a little bloody. Desman said "next time it'll be the heavier end, if you don't want that to happen, you will do what I say." Desman flipped the bat again and held the heavier side near her head as he said "do we have any issues?" Kelly coughs up some blood and said "what are your demands?" Desman pulled the bat away from her head and held it in his hands as he said "good, now here's what I need you to do." Meanwhile Roslan was sitting at her desk at the police station. Roslan was looking over some files of past members of the Calvary Gang. Roslan flipped a page in a file to see a picture of Desman. Roslan picked up the picture and looked at it close. The picture was of Desman and Cedric holding hands looking towards the camera. Roslan's eyes widen and she starts to look visibly nervous. She dropped the picture and rushed over to the files to open Lenny's folder. Roslan said "oh my god." She dropped the picture and said "it all makes sense now, Desman wants revenge against the feebles for Cedric's death, but where does Lenny come in?" As she looked back down at the files, she saw Lenny's folder. She picked it up and opened it. She found his relation information and said "Lenny's father is Bletch, he must want revenge on the feebles for killing his father." Roslan sets the folder down and calls Heidi and Cesar. Cesar answered the phone saying "hello Klein residence." Roslan said "Cesar it's Roslan, you and Heidi need to get out of there now, Lenny and Desman are gonna plan something capturing the feeble cast." Cesar said "how do you know that?" Roslan said "they're all connected, Lenny is the son of Bletch and Cedric was killed by one of the feebles. The plot is for revenge as far as I've connected. Just get out of there!" Cesar said "we should have some time, the agents outside could handle them shouldn't they?" Just then, Cesar could hear screaming and groaning from outside the front door. Cesar said "I'll call you back Roslan." As he puts the phone down, he ran to Heidi and said "Heidi we need to get out of here quickly. Lenny and Desman are here trying to capture us!" Heidi got up and said "where do we go Cesar??" As she ran to him and looked in his eyes. Cesar said "well head out the back, well just drive somewhere away from here. I can't risk losing you or our children." As he rubbed her belly, they heard them trying to get the door open. Cesar held Heidi's hand and ran to a window and jumped through it, breaking it to pieces as he jumped to the ground. Cesar looked up and said "quick Heidi jump!" As he held his arms out to her. Heidi quickly jumped and landed in Cesar's arms. Cesar ran to their car and drove away quickly. Desman breaks down the door and runs inside, followed by Lenny and Whitey. Desman said "damn, they got away." Lenny said "they still might be near, quick back to the cars!" Lenny, Desman and Whitey got back in their cars and got on the road quickly. Arthur and Kathren were in their house. Their door soon kicked down, Desman's goons came through. Arthur woke up as he heard the door bust down. Arthur looked up to the bedroom door, the goons kicked down the bedroom door. The three goons in the room grabbed Kathren as she struggled in their grip. Arthur went for a bite of one of the goons, biting the goons arm. The goon groaned and swung his arm causing Arthur to fly. Arthur hits the wall and falls unconscious in the process. He saw the two other goons stick Kathren in a bag before blacking out completely. Meanwhile with Robert and Lucille, they were in the living room with the kids. They soon heard car tires skid out. Shortly after, knocking began occurring at a fast pace. Robert got up and walked over to the door. He opens it to see Cesar and Heidi. Robert said "Heidi, Cesar, what brings you two here?" Heidi said "can we come in Robert?" Robert said "certainly." As Heidi and Cesar walked into the house, Robert asked "so what brings you two here?" Cesar said "well, it seems like the gangs are after us all." Robert said "the gangs? You mean the mercenaries?" Heidi said "even worse than that. We need to make sure we're ready for when they strike next." Lucille walked over and said "oh hey Heidi, hey Cesar, what's going on?" Robert said to Lucille "quickly, get to the basement with the kids, you'll be safe there." Lucille said "Robert what's going on?" Robert said "the mercenaries from a while ago have attacked Cesar and Heidi, they might be here next. Now quickly get to the basement before they get here." Lucille soon brought the kids into the basement. Cesar turned to Heidi and held her face as he said "Heidi, go along to the basement with them, you'll be safe there." Heidi said "Cesar, I don't want to leave you up here to die." Cesar rubs her face and said "Heidi please, you are carrying our children. You need to be safer than ever before." Cesar kisses Heidi deeply and hugs her close as he said "I'll be able to fend them off up here, just stay down there with Lucille okay?" Heidi had tears in her eyes but said "of course my love." As she hugged him tightly then walked down into the basement. Cesar turned to Robert and said "you got any guns here?" Robert said "I have a few, after last time, I didn't want the same aftermath." Robert walked over to a floorboard that seemed raggedy. He pulled it up and soon threw a Revolver to Cesar. Cesar caught it and said "nice arsonal." Robert stood up with a Desert Eagle and said "thank you, now we'll be ready to light them up." Cesar looked out the window and saw two black cars pull up. Cesar said "it's them, quick get to a safe area and aim at the door." Robert quickly hid behind the couch as Cesar kneeled behind a lounge chair. Cesar aimed the revolver towards the door as it got kicked open. Two goons ran in holding AK-47s and held them high as they looked around. One of the goons saw the barrel of the revolver and Cesar pulled the trigger. A bullet shot out and went straight through the goons head. The goon's body shot back against the wall and fell to the ground. The other goon shot towards Cesar. He flipped away from the bullets shot from the goon as he shot at the goon. Cesar soon stood up and charged at the goon. Cesar held the revolver to the goon's head and pulled the trigger. The goon head butted Cesar to miss the bullet and caused Cesar to step back a little as he became dizzy. The goon grabbed his AK-47 but Cesar kicked the goon in the gut to stop him. Cesar picked the goon up and slammed him against the threshold as he clobbered him in the head as well. Cesar tossed him to the ground and shot him in the head. Cesar looked up to see more goons coming. Cesar threw an AK-47 to Robert and grabbed the other one as he jumped for cover. Cesar landed on the ground and rolled over to hold the AK-47 up as the goons came in. As the goons ran in, Cesar shot them up. Robert fires as well which leaves many bodies on the ground. Cesar ran out of bullets and flipped upwards to stand up, throwing the empty AK-47 at the goon. The goon was hit in the face with the AK-47 and swayed a little as Cesar drop kicked the goon. The goon went flying back onto the patio as more bullets rained into the house. Cesar back flipped behind the lounge chair and Robert said "they aren't gonna let up, what do we do?" Cesar grabbed another AK-47 and said "we keep fighting, for our wives, for our children!" Cesar charged outside and began laying down bullets into goons around the house. Robert charged out as well and fired at the goons around them. Cesar ran out of bullets and swung the AK-47 into a goon's head as he kicked another goon in the chest. Meanwhile in the basement, Heidi rubbed her stomach and said "I hope they're doing alright up there." Lucille said "I'm sure they're winning, I know my Robert is a fighter when it comes to his family." Heidi said "Cesar is very skilled, let's hope they stop them all." Ricky said "is dad going to be okay?" Lucille said "I'm sure he will be." As more bullets rain down, Cesar grabbed a goon by the leg and flipped him to the ground. Cesar stomped on the goon's head as he flipped, kicking another goon in the chin. The goon went flying back as Cesar stood back up. Robert rolled all around the yard, causing goons to trip over him. Cesar soon was grabbed from behind until Cesar grabbed the goon's arms and flipped him over himself as he jumped and slammed his legs against a goon's head. Cesar slammed the goon's head into the ground as he stood on the goon's back and jumped off of him. A goon shot towards Cesar and he dodges it. Cesar grabbed the goon's hand and flipped him to the ground as Cesar grabbed the pistol and shot the goon in the head. Cesar turned to see Desman. Cesar stood there with his hands up in a boxing position. Desman charged at Cesar with his antlers aiming towards him. Cesar grabbed his antlers and flipped over him as Desman ran. Desman swung back around and began swinging. Cesar dodges some of his swings but still gets hit. The other goons tried to fire at Robert but couldn't get a clear shot as he kept rolling. Cesar landed some punches on Desman which caused Desman to cough up a little bit of blood. Desman soon punched Cesar in the gut a lot causing Cesar to groan and drop to the ground. Desman smirks and says "finally, I'll put this Raven in the ground." As he was about to stomp Cesar's head in, Robert flew through the air and landed on Desman's neck, causing his prickles to stick into Desman's neck. Desman groaned loudly as his prickles went into him. Desman grabbed Robert and threw him into the front window. As Desman held his neck, Cesar got up by flipping and stood up as Desman turned back around. Cesar punched Desman in the face causing him to fall over. As it seemed that all the goons were dead, Cesar was hit in the head by a baseball bat. Cesar fell to the ground, blacking out as Lenny stood there with more goons coming in. Lenny said "make sure to check everywhere! They could be hiding out here!" Cesar was carried off into a truck as Robert awoke to seeing goons run in. Robert tried to reach for a pistol but was stopped by a few goons. Robert was tossed into the truck as well as the goons ransacked the house for the others. As footsteps could be heard above, Heidi whispers to Lucille "are there any guns down here?" Lucille whispers to Heidi "there's a Desert Eagle in the vent." Heidi looked good and saw the vent on the ground. She kneeled to pick the vent up and saw the Desert Eagle. Heidi felt the twins kicking and groaned. From above the basement, a goon heard Heidi and said quietly to the other goon saying "I think they're below the floor somehow, aim for the ground." Heidi grabbed the Desert Eagle and said quietly to Lucille and the others "stand behind me, they won't get us all." Lucille said quietly "Heidi don't do this, you're pregnant, let me take the lead." Heidi said quietly "they can't fire behind me, please trust me." Lucille and the others got behind Heidi as she aimed the Desert Eagle at the basement hatch. One goon above sees a lift in the floorboards unlike the floorboards before and said "there, they must be down there." Shortly after, one goon lifted the board with his rifle and peaked into the basement slowly. Heidi saw the goons head and when the goon turned to see Heidi, she shot the goon in the head quickly. The goon died right on the spot and fell into the basement. The goons drop into the basement as Heidi fires more bullets at them. Heidi soon ran out of bullets and threw the Desert Eagle at the goon's head causing him to sway backwards. Heidi punched one of the goons and knees another in the crotch. Heidi tried to keep up but as the numbers of goons grew, she felt more pain from her stomach as she slowly weakened. Heidi held her stomach as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. A goon punched her causing her to land on the ground. All Heidi could see when she looked up was the goon holding an AK-47 and Lucille, Ricky and Lana being captured by other goons. Her vision waved as she looked back up to see the goon hit her face with the end of the AK-47, causing her to black out.

Meet The Feebles 2: The PrevailOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz