Chapter 21: Heights To Depths

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The morning began once more, Cesar was walking around the backyard. He was enjoying the fresh air which he hadn't been able to receive in so long. Cesar soon sat down on a chair nearby and took in more of the air around him. Taking in all that was around him as he felt complete. Heidi was cleaning up the house inside. She soon washed the dishes and looked out to see Cesar sitting outside. She smiles and soon puts the dish she was cleaning on the rack and walked out to the backyard. Cesar leaned back in the chair and stretched a bit, becoming fully relaxed. Soon after Heidi came out and soon walked over to Cesar, smiling as she sat down onto his lap and said "my sweet bird of mine." As she rubbed his face and soon kissed him deeply. Cesar smiles and soon rubs her back as he said "my sweet hippo." Heidi giggles and soon strokes his head as she said "you enjoying yourself out here?" Cesar said "it is nice to get some fresh air, but not as nice as the breeze of my darling hippo." Heidi smiles and kisses him more as she soon rubbed his back and said "I know it might be kinda early but what are some baby names you think sound good?" Cesar said "hmm, well if you take on my last name, I was thinking maybe Jackie or Katie for a girl and a boy either Klause or Kent. What do you think Heidi?" Heidi rubbed his chest and said "you pretty much named off my list, except I had another name for a girl, Heather." Cesar thought and said "hmm that sounds good, we'll have to see." He soon rubbed her belly and smiles up at her. He soon pulls out a small box and said "Heidi, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest bird in the world." He opens the box revealing a ring and said "will you marry me?" Heidi blushes and cried a little as she said "oh yes Cesar." Cesar smiles and soon puts the ring on her finger and rubbed her back saying "I love you so much my sweet Heidi~" Heidi said "I love you more my sweet Cesar~" as she kisses him deeply then said "oh, we need to plan our wedding." Cesar said "oh right, what theme should it be?" Heidi thought and said, "How about a 1970s Jazz look? Something a bit more unique than just a standard wedding." Cesar thought and said "works for me, I can't wait to see you down that isle." He smiles at her more and rubbed her back. Heidi smirks and soon sat in front of him on his lap as she said "you're about to get much more than that~." As she soon straddled him and shoves his face into her cleavage. Cesar blushed a ton and held onto her hips as she straddled him. Heidi held his head there as she straddled him more. From afar, a camera went off taking a picture. Revealing a fly in the back behind the bushes. The fly soon flew away with the camera and went into a nearby vent into the feebles theater. The fly went through the vent and soon went into the main office. Lenny was there looking through old papers left from Bletch. The fly said "Sir, I have gotten visual of Heidi and where she is now. Her and her lover seemed to have survived our assassin." The fly puts the camera on Lenny's desk. Lenny puts the cord into the camera and attached it to his computer to see the images. There were pictures of Heidi and Cesar loving on one another in the backyard and pictures of the street, 1989 Jackson Street. Lenny said "that is unfortunate." The fly said "what do you think we should do boss?" Lenny took a swig of his flask and said "go find where the others might be, we'll have a better chance with them." The fly said "yes boss." The fly soon grabbed the camera and flew out into the vents to the outside world. The night flew in, Lenny was standing at the window in his office looking on at the cars below. He took a swig of his flask and the door opened revealing John his arm still in a sling from his encounter with Sidney. John said "the shipment has came in boss, what should we do with it?" Lenny said as he continued to look out the window "bring a bag here, bring in Remmy too." John said "on it boss." As John walked out of Lenny's office and grabbed a bag of the shipment. Lenny took another swig of his flask and sighed as he watched the cars below. John came back and placed the bag of the supposed shipment in. Remmy soon walked in and said "you needed me boss?" Lenny turned back around and said "yes, do a line, this stuff is supposed to induce pain relief." Remmy said "my pleasure boss." As he soon sets the line and sniffed from right to left. Remmy said "woo that's some good shi-" Remmy began gagging a bit and soon grabbing the desk and coughing more until his throat exploded from the inside out onto the floor. Remmy fell to the ground, slowly dying as he tried to gasp for air. Remmy soon died as his neck fully dissolved. Lenny looked at the bag then hovered his nose over the bag from a distance and smelled it. Lenny said "its arsenic," John looked to Lenny and said "what was the shipment supposed to be?" Lenny said as he pounded his fist at his desk, "it was supposed to be opioids, that weasel is gonna pay for this." Lenny grabbed his rifle and said "get some of the others, we have a crisis to avert." John nodded and walked out to the others. Lenny walked out with his rifle and got into the van. John got into the van with 5 others following him inside. Lenny said "drive Louie." Louie who was a rat, said "alright boss." Louie soon got into the driver's seat and began driving. Louie soon said "where do I drive to boss?" Lenny said "head to the docks, that weasel's hideout is there." Louie said "yes boss," as he drove to the docks. Meanwhile at the docks, Matt, who was a weasel, was talking to some beavers saying "the goods are all there Mr. Zhou, all in good condition." Mr. Zhou said "Thank you for your help Matt, here is your payment, all in american dollar." The beaver beside them opens a briefcase that had 30 million dollars inside. The beaver hands Matt the briefcase closed and Matt said "pleasure doing business with you Mr. Zhou." They both bowed and stood back up until they heard a fast car narby. Matt looked and saw van headlights coming towards them at a fast speed. Matt looked back at Mr. Zhou and pushed him away from the direction of the van. The van missed Matt and Mr. Zhou, hitting the wall. The van crashed into Matt's building, the backdoors soon open revealing Lenny and his goons running out and firing at Matt and his goons. Matt quickly got up and began to run to the crates outside his building. Mr. Zhou and his associates ran onto the transport boat. Goons went down on both sides, a ton of bloodshed landing to the docks. Lenny and John hid behind crates as they fired their guns at Matt's goons. Lenny said "I'm going after Matt, cover me." John nodded and continued to fire at the goons. Lenny ran on the sidelines to the crates on the side of the building. Mr. Zhou said "quick get onto open waters, they'll kill us if we don't get out of h-" Mr. Zhou was hit in the head by the end of a rifle, falling unconscious. His associates saw Louie with the rifle and tried to kill him, but the attempts proved to be useless as Louie shot all of the ones still standing and threw their bodies overboard. The helmsman looked back and got hit in the nose by the end of Louie's rifle, falling to the floor next to Mr. Zhou. Louie pulled out a walkie talkie and said "boat has been stopped boss." Lenny looked to see Matt in one of the crates and soon walked over to the crate. Lenny picked up Matt by the throat and began choking him as he held him up. Lenny said "so Matt, what happened with our deal?" Matt said as he gasped for air "I delivered your share, didn't you get it?" Lenny slammed him against the wall and said "don't play coy with me, you know you sent arsenic instead of opioids." Matt groaned in pain and said "the Zhou corp were going to pay me more, I had to." Lenny said "I see," Matt soon tried to get free until he was dropped into the crate. Lenny puts the top of the crate on and tightened it down with the screws in the top. Matt kicked around in the crate trying to get free. John ran over and said "Matt's goons were taken care of, we got the shipment." Lenny said "excellent, now let's show Matt what we do with people who break deals." John and a fellow shark goon pushed the crate to the edge of the dock and Lenny said as he stood beside the crate with the briefcase "looks like you'll be going for a swim old friend." Matt continued to try to break through the crate until Lenny said "toss him in boys." John and the other shark goon pushed the crate over the edge of the dock. The crate fell 100 feet into the water below and began to drift into the currents. Lenny said "load up the shipments, we're done here." John said "yes boss," as John and the other shark goon walked to the boat with more of Lenny's goons. The crate soon filled with water soon sinking to the bottom of the area. Lenny walked to the van and called his men at the warehouse saying "bring several vans, we have a large shipment to bring back." The goon on the other line said "on our way boss." As Lenny hung up and drove back to the warehouse, his goons taking care of shipments.

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