Time To Say Goodbye

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---------- Authors notes -----------

Fuck. I haven't updated in a week. I have my reasons but I'd like to apologies. anyway, let's get back to it.


I had awaken with a throbbing headache and horrible dry mouth. "Great," I whispered to myself. My body ached from the night before so I didn't want to get up just yet so I closed my eyes and shifted my body. As I rolled over, I noticed the bed felt different. When I opened my eyes I saw another person. It took me a second to process who it was. Gaege looked so peaceful as he laid there asleep. I just wanted to reach out and touch his face. As I gazed, I remembered the night before. I remembered how soft his lips were against mine. I remembered what I really wanted to happen and I remember those thoughts being abruptly interrupted by him. He slightly opened his eyes and I smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning. I'm sorry I fell asleep next to you, I was so tired." He rubbed his eyes.

"It's okay."

"What time is is?" He asked in a tired groan.

"Nine," I answered

"What time are you leaving again?" He shifted to lay on his back and put his hand under his head.

"Four." I moved closer and laid my head on his chest. 

"Okay. I'll get you there by 1:30. There will be a lot of people leaving out of Orlando today so it's better to be safe than sorry. So we have 3ish hours. Do you have your stuff packed?"

"Most of it. Won't take me long though."

"Alright well, take a shower, get the rest of your stuff together, and we will go do something in Orlando before you go." He yawned. I sat up and put my feet on the ground before feeling a tug on the shirt I was wearing. I turned back around to see him looking slightly sad. I could tell he wanted to say something but words never left his mouth. I just gave him a smile and turned back around. I rummaged through my suitcase for something to wear for the drive and plane ride back home. When I found what I was looking for, I stood and walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

I threw all of my makeup that was still on the counter into the bag then rubbed my face. I ran the water and waited for it to get warm. When it was at an appropriate temperature, I stripped down to bare skin and hopped in. As I washed the leftover alcohol smell off of my body, I heard the door open and close quickly. Through the frosted curtain, I could see a towel left out on the counter near the sink. 

I turned the water off and ringed out the excess water from my hair then dried myself off before getting dressed. I brought my makeup bags back into the bedroom and shoved them into my suitcase where the would fit. I stuck the other things that were left out into the bag and zipped it closed. I looked around the room making sure I wasn't forgetting anything then lugged the bag into the living area. Gaege was in the kitchen sipping on a can of Aha when I gave him a thumbs up signaling that I was ready to go. He put up his index figure telling me to give him a minute when he chugged the rest of the can, crushed it on the counter and threw it into the recycling. He let out a large burp as he walked off down the hallway. "God damn, okay," I said. I could hear his laughter in the other room.

He came out of the room wearing a pair of shorts, a plain white shirt, and vans. He went to the kitchen a pulled a pack of cookies from the cupboard and took a few then sealed the package back up and grabbed his keys from the counter. "Ready?" He asked, sticking a cookie in his mouth. 

"Yeah," I answered.

"Cool." Gaege walked over and handed me his keys and grabbed my suitcase.

"Why did you give me these?"

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