Friday Pt. 2

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"How do you feel about sushi?" He asked as we walked out toward his car.

"I've acquired a taste for it," I responded.

"Good because if not, I would have had to think of something else." The headlights on the car flashed as Gaege unlocked the car. He opened the passenger side door for me and I got in. I fastened my seatbelt as he got in on the drivers side. As the car started, I listened to the pur of the engine. It started up loud but calmed to a hum. I could feel eyes on me while I looked out the window. The air conditioning was turned off and the window rolled down. "It's nice isn't it?"

"It feels perfect. It's like this during the day back home. This weather is my favorite." The music in the car played low and the V8 engine roared as he laid his foot on the accelerator. When he pulled out of the parking lot and hit the gas, the supercharger wined. Between the two sounded, I felt soothed although his driving was scaring me a bit. I couldn't help but hang my hand out the window to feel the air.

---- Juicy ----

He glanced over at her a few times. Her hair blew in the wind that filled the car through the window. Her smile was infectious. Gaege had to stop himself from just staring at her and not swerve into the other lanes. It all seemed unreal. "You're gorgeous," He spoke. She glanced over and processed what he told her.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself," She responded with a smile. After that, she didn't look away.

---- Hexxus ----

As I continued to stare, my mind started to wander. I thought about running my fingers through his hair, What his lips would feel like on my neck, his body against mine, his hands grazing my skin. I just wanted to lean over and make a move. No. I shook my thoughts away and started to fidget with my fingers instead. 

It wasn't before long when we had arrived at our destination. It was a small upscale sushi house in the middle of the city. The restaurant didn't look busy at all. "It's a little hole in the wall but it's really nice," Gaege spoke as he turned the car off, "Well, lets go." We both got out of the car and met in front of it. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked to the entrance. We promptly got seated by a window up front. We ordered fairly quick. 

"You know," I said, looking out the window, "we look like two goth kids on a date." 

"Is that a bad thing?" 

"No. Not at all."

"Good," he smiled. When he replied, the food had arrived at our table. There were four rolls in front of us.  Gaege ended up eating most of it as we talked about our lives and how we got where we were. We told stories of our childhoods and teenage shenanigans. His laugh was adorable and made me smile. 

"Bro, That was so fucking good," I said as we were walking to the car.

"It's one of my favorites." He responded. 

'I can see why."


"You want a Mcflurry after all of that?"

"Yeah dude. Mcflurries are fucking bomb."

"Alright. Yeah." We headed right for the nearest McDonalds. I ended up getting a Chips Ahoy Mcflurry and his was M&Ms. He parked in the parking lot, got out, and leaned against the front of his car. I followed. I climbed on top of the front of the hood and sat next to him. "This is way too good to be true," I spoke. He looked over at me as he took a bite of the ice cream.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm somewhere other than colorado, it's nice night, nice car, a Mcflurry,... you. This is something I would have never even thought of."

"But Colorado is a pretty place."

"Yeah, if you live in the right place."

"You literally live right outside of Aspen."

"Yeah. I guess you're right. I just like a change in scenery, ya know. Different people from those I grew up with. Sure, I got that in my first year and half in college but that was it and I still ended up seeing people I went to highschool with. It's pretty boring in No Name anyway."

"I get that." He looked up at the sky, "I bet it's pretty nice being able to see most of the stars at night there though." I giggled at his comment and looked up.

"Yeah. That's the only thing I really miss." I leaned over and put my head on his arm. We sat in silence looking up at the sky and finishing our ice cream.

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