Chapter 19

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Later that night, Elsa watched as Jack stiffened when she approached the camp fire.
Irritation immediately flared to life, this was ridiculous, was this the new him from here on out?
"Relax Jack. I'm not here to steal your virtue or more kisses."
Jack let out a pent-up laugh at this as she sat down next to him to stare into the flames.
"Sorry if I'm being weird, it's just... this is all a bit much."
Elsa tried to understand what he was saying but failed.
"I... I'm worried you will think more of us now that we kissed. Something that can't happen. Not because I don't want it to or I don't like you enough,  but because I'm far too busy. A nomad. You deserve someone who will drop everything just to be with you."
Elsa still remained silent trying to comprehend the hidden meanings of what he was saying.
He didn't want anything more with her.
That much was clear.
He did a good job of acting torn up but she could tell he was terrified of the thought of her falling for him or chalking up the kiss to be something more.
A little bit late for that she thought dryly.
Also what was with him saying she deserved someone else?
If she were honest, the only thing she had wanted lately was him.
His wit, his comfort and even his argumentative nature.
Call her crazy.
And why had he said "someone who would stop everything just for you?"
She didn't want that.
When the time came that she did find a significant other, it would be a partnership, not an ultimatum.
He must really think little of her.
"Your silence is deafening."
She shook her head at his worried words.
Time to change the subject.
"That man, Jerger you called him, how did he know you? He said "Frost" when he saw you."
Jack narrowed his eyes at her, obviously sensing the change of subject but let it go.
"Back when I was younger and easily influenced, you could say I ran with the wrong crowds. I met Jerger during a hold up. He saw my powers and instantly wanted me to help him with his dealings. I refused after I realized how empty a life like that was. No fulfillment."
Elsa nodded absently at this, inwardly sighing.
If possible, his "hot meter" just went up another point.
If only he knew he was only adding to how attractive he was in her eyes.
When he was throwing her against a wall, whisking her around in the air and kissing the daylights out of her, his strength took her breath away.
But that was all physical.
His true strength was showing now and it was 10 times greater than she originally thought. Dammit.
Of course she found this all out after he admitted he didn't want anything more with her.
Whatever, she needed to call it a night anyway. After saying as much to Jack, they parted ways. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

Jack was surprised to find Elsa awake and packed up the next morning, ready to go.
She had been far too quiet last night when he had told her he wanted nothing more for now, which worried him.
Again this was what he wanted so no regrets.
The last of the journey into the village was uneventful and took most of the morning.
It was also done in silence.
He would never regret that amazing kiss but damn, this was downright unbearable.
He'd even take her angry over silent.
Upon reaching the village, they went straight to the place where anyone could find out anything; the local bar.
The town was tiny and yet it seemed every citizen of drinking age (and not) was inside.
Ignoring the looks every man between the ages of 18-50 seemed to give Elsa, he kept her close with a hand on her back and went straight to the bartender.
After asking the necessary questions, he found that Aksel lived only a few streets down.
The problem was that it was Sunday which meant he was out of town visiting family.
Cursing inwardly, Jack was about to relay the info back to Elsa when the bartender continued speaking.
"Not a' worry though lad, he'll be arrivin back in tha mornin."
Ok so this wasn't too bad, he could wait another day, they technically where Ahead by two days anyway.
Thanking the man, Jack debated on what to do. They'd need to reserve two rooms at the local inn, he was sure Elsa would be relieved to sleep in a room rather than outside like they had been doing so the past few nights.
Without another thought, he turned to Elsa.
"I'll go reserve us two rooms at the inn, I trust you heard what the bartender said?"
She nodded her head, "Yes, another night won't hurt, I'll wait here while you do it, we will need to eat at some point tonight."
Jack hesitated.
She wanted him to leave her alone in a crowded bar?
He surveyed the room however and saw a good amount of other women.
He was about to say as much when she made a shooing motion with her hand.
"Go, I'll be fine, I'm not in the mood to walk anymore right now."
That settled that.
Without a backward glance, he did as she said.

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