Chapter 13

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The next day, both Elsa and Jack sat once more in the throne room, this time staring pensively in silence.
They were awaiting the arrival of the king and Queen, along with the final verdict.
Finally the doors leading into the room opened and Elsa swiveled her head to watch her sister enter while Jack stood, whether out of respect or nervousness was hard to say.
Ana and Kristoff both smiled as they met their gazes.
Coming to a stop at the large table, Ana wasted no time in giving an answer.
"Jack, we appreciate you coming to us willingly about this. Whether you thought about it or not, the consequences of not seeing this out properly can be cataclysmic for me and my sisters' kingdoms. That being said, Kristoff and I agreed we could not move forward with the current plan in good conscious. Something must be done of course, but it can't be summoning earth shattering destruction."
Immediately Jack faced Kristoff without comment on Ana's answer.
"How could you do this bro? You know what will happen if we don't do anything, why can't you all see that this is much bigger than yourselves? Uhh respectively your highnesses."
Kristoff answered firmly.
"You misunderstand. We aren't rejecting your mission, just your method of retrieval. We think we have a better one in fact."
At this, he smiled down at Ana while both Jack and Elsa looked confused.
Finally Jack took a seat and nodded for Kristoff to continue.
"Have you ever heard of a man by the name of Aksel? Lives on the other side of the black mountains? Recluse, old as dirt?"
Jack continued to shake his head at Kristoffs various inquiries.
"Well I'm here to tell you he's there, his official title is Royal Record Keeper of Greater Norway. Basically he houses every record and document kept about anything significant that occurred in Norway since the Vikings."
At this Kristoff raised a brow towards Jack who still shook his head in confusion.
Elsa scoffed and spoke up.
"Your saying that he might have a record of where the spear was buried?"
At this Jack gasped while Kristoff continued.
"Exactly. Anyone who knows about the legend also knows that while the Vikings did bury it, it was always meant to be found again. They would have never left a treasure like that to be lost. I've heard that one of the soldiers with the company who buried it, kept a diary that has the exact location in it. Little did those Vikings know that their ship would go down along the eastern coast. Again I don't know if he for sure has the diary, but I have a great feeling."
Jack clapped his hands together and stood.
"Perfect, I'll do it your way. How long does it take to ride to his holding?"
Kristoff shrugged and produced a map, laying it out on the table.
Drawing a circle around Arendelle, he then traced a line through Northuldra, over the Black mountains, and up to the coast.
Jack whistled, seeing it was no day journey even by flying.
"Maybe a week at most, nothing too bad but you know the winter has been unpredictable. Already we're seeing heavy snow and winds blowing in overnight from the mountains."
Jack swore quietly under his breath.
Of course the night he has to leave, inclement weather approached.
Despite what some believe, he couldn't completely stop storms and the like from procuring.
He could only minimize the effects.
He was trying to think of what all he would need when suddenly Elsa spoke up.
"I'm going with you."
Jack immediately answered,
"Like hell you are."
She frowned while he looked to Ana and Kristoff for help.
"Don't either of you have anything to add?"
"Like what?"
They both answered in unison then continued at his look of disbelief.
"We're not her keeper, she's more than proved she can handle herself after the last two times she saved our regions. If anyone would be an asset to you it's Elsa. She knows these lands like the back of her hand."
Jack let out a frustrated sigh and turned his attention back to Elsa.
"The last thing I need is a woman who..."
But he was quickly cut off by Elsa.
"Before you finish that unbelievably sexist sentence, need I remind you that I handled myself just fine before you came and will continue to do so. I don't need your protection and I will go whether you want me to or not. I want to see it carried out to the fullest, this affects me just as it does you."
Jack shook his head and looked toward the ceiling, as if unbelieving.
"I guess there's nothing more that can be said, we will see if you hold fast to your claims."
Nodding, Elsa stood and excused herself to begin packing.
They both would need to gather supplies.
Ana followed her out and Jack was about to follow suit as well, until passing by Kristoff who put a halting hand to his chest.
Curious, Jack waited.
"The number of things I truly care about in this world can be counted on one hand. You know my childhood, I had nothing and no one really from the start. Ana is of course at the top of the list. Elsa is next along with Sven. Then the Trolls and probably you."
Jack scoffed good-naturely.
"Wow beat out by a reindeer and rocks, I see how it is."
Kristoff remained serious however.
"If anything were to happen to Elsa, Ana would not survive. Obviously, in her condition, that doubly raises the stakes for me. See to it that Elsa is kept safe. She's been through a lot and will always act tougher than she is. You'll have the King to answer to if anything happens, understood?"
Jack nodded grimly, annoyed once more in being responsible for someone he didn't want to be.
Kristoff clapped him on the shoulder and grinned, lightening the tension.
"Olaf is around here somewhere. Maybe you should take him along for company."
Jack immediately cringed at the thought of the talkative little snowman he'd met a couple times through Ana.
Could it get any worse?
"Uhh I'll pass, thanks."
Kristoff laughed as Jack exited.
They would leave before dawn the next day.

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