Chapter 6

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Elsa deftly avoided ice patches as she walked through the quiet forest.
Nearly a month had passed since Ana and Kristoffs' party, but Elsa could positively say that she didn't think she had reached a peak yet in her baby fever.
While weekdays were still filled with duties in Northuldra, weekends were spent in Arendelle.
Every time she went over, more baby paraphernalia littered the hallways of the once barren castle.
It was mostly gifts and early preparations, as the sex was not even known yet, so Elsa knew there would be double the amount the next time she visited.
Not that she minded, it was always so odd to see the castle warm and full of life.
After their parents died, the castle had rarely seen outsiders or celebrations of any kind but Ana had truly turned the palace into a home.
Elsa smiled as she stopped to survey the towering pine trees and tranquil air.
Nothing really moved as it was barely dawn which was why Elsa ventured out this early in the first place.
She loved the feeling of peace that washed over her and enjoyed the solitude since her days were now filled with others.
Another thing she didn't mind, and another stark contrast compared to her life only a few years ago.
As she resumed walking once more, Elsa sighed, not being able to stop the heavier thoughts from descending upon her peaceful morning.
Even with so many new friends she longed for something more, something deeper.
Seeing Ana settled and starting a family made Elsa ecstatic for her sister yet disappointed in herself.
It should have been her.
Not because she was better than Ana or more deserving but because that's what big sisters did.
They paved the way and made scary things less scary.
Things like having a baby, getting married, etc.
Things Elsa now needed Ana to help her with.
Just then a low rumble sounded through the trees as Elsa made her way to the edge of Northuldra.
She stopped and listened more closely, not afraid but curious.
The ground tremored slightly as well and Elsa scoffed, chalking it up to be one of the Earth Giants taking a walk.
She needed to think of a better way to lead them away from the village path.
They lived in relative harmony and peace now but so many close calls with falling rocks had begun to worry her.
Especially if they were now venturing out earlier and earlier like right now, usually the giants slept for a few more hours.
Pondering the issue, she continued her walk as the shaking stopped.
Deciding she would have a talk with Yelena on the issue of the Earth Giants, she went back to the original problem at hand.
She wanted marriage, babies, all of it.
But who would be with her?
While tales of her bravery were known far and wide, no man had ever shown interest in her, at least not like Ana got.
It had to be the powers, but Kristoff had also told her she was very serious and intimidating usually.
Gripping her hands unconsciously, she thought about her powers.
Yes she embraced them now and had nearly full control, but it would never be complete.
Her powers were so complex that fully knowing them and their extent would take at least a century (if at all).
Grimly, Elsa knew she could never be with anyone, it was just too dangerous.
Grief gripped her as Elsa thought over it more.
She would never want to risk the love of her life being injured, or worse, by her.
Tears threatened as Elsa realized her fate but she tried to console herself.
Just because she couldn't date, marry, or have kids didnt mean she would be alone.
Maybe in her old age Ana would let her come live with them in the palace.
She knew they would let her do so at anytime, even right now, but it wouldent feel right intruding on their privacy.
She had the Northuldran villagers as well, but they were definitely not the most loving and expressive people.
Ok so she would die alone.
Her heart sunk.
But somewhere, in the deep recess of her mind, a bright light lit.
That one bright spot was the memory of the elusive Jack.
She tried not to think of him at all since doing so was pointless, he was probably halfway across Norway by now, but it didn't stop the trickle of welcome joy spreading through her.
She knew she had overly fantasized and romanticized him during the last month, but every time she recalled him, he just seemed better.
All the traits she admired seemed to have been multiplied by ten.
He was basically a god in her mind now, one she happily worshipped.
Suddenly, she was ripped from her thoughts by a large rumble, a rumble far deeper and larger than an Earth Giant if that was possible.
Elsa didn't need prompting to run as soon as she saw trees start to sway and the ground crack beneath her. 
Fear coursed through her.

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