chapter 31- Hold On

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a few months later

     It all happened so quickly... the gunshots, the blood. My scream rings out, but it doesn't even sound like it's from me. It sounds so distant. I drop down beside him.
     "Stay with me."


     "Do we have to go back?" I pout, crossing my arms over my chest as I sit against the headboard.
     "Come on, baby, you love work."
     "I know, it's just our honeymoon was so fun and it was nice not to think about cases."
     Spencer offers me his hand, I take it, rising to my feet. He pulls me against him. I wrap my arms around his waist. "I know," he kisses my forehead, "go get ready."
     I oblige, heading into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After about six minutes, I step out of the shower, grabbing a towel. I tie my hair up with another towel.
     Spencer is tying his tie by the time I step out. I go to the closet, grabbing my work clothes. I set them on the bed, and before I can grab undergarments, Spencer grabs the end of the towel. He unravels it from my body, twirling me into him. Smooth.
      "I say you just wear this," he says, looking down my naked body.
     "Yeah, that'd go over well with Hotch."
     He laughs, giving me a kiss on the lips before letting me go. I pick out a a purple bra and underwear set, slipping into them before dressing. I'm wearing a textured white blouse, with mostly sheer long sleeves, tucked into black dress pants. I step into the bathroom again to braid my still wet hair into two dutch braids and put on light makeup.
     On our way out of the door, I slip on my black heels and grab my newly packed go bag. I drive us to work, Spencer's hand on my thigh as I take the usual route to the BAU.
     JJ had picked out a case last night for us. She tells me quickly about it before we meet everyone else in the briefing room. I sit down for this briefing since I wasn't there to prepare the files and presentation.
     "There's been a series of home invasions and murders in San Diego in the last three weeks. Each one resulted in only the father of the household dying, the rest of the family wasn't home."
     Each home invasion also were wealthy white family's homes.
     "They only killed the man of the house, there must be significance to that," I suggest.
     "Oh definitely, we just have to figure out what," Rossi agrees.
     We continue the briefing until Hotch says, "Wheels up in 30."
     "It's good to have you two back," Emily says.
     I smile at her, "Thanks."
     Spencer gets us coffee while I talk to Morgan and Emily for a bit until it's time for us to board the jet. I settle in next to JJ, Spencer takes a seat next to Emily across from us.
     Garcia speaks to us more about the victims from a tablet screen. 3 homes in the past 3 weeks, he's moving fast. The weird thing is that the only things stolen were children's toys.
     We reach our destination in about 4 and a half hours. JJ nudges my head, waking me up from my nap on her shoulder. Hotch assigns us all to certain things, me and Prentiss are on victimology.
     "Wait, each family has kids around the same age."
     "The Wallas family only was one kid, the others have 3."
     "Yeah but their one kid is around the same age as the Camden's middle child, and the Jone's youngest."
     "All girls," Emily remarks.
     "Exactly," I grab the files again. "Katie Wallas, age 10, Jamie Camden, 9, and Avery Jones, 10."
     "So he targets little girls' dads?"
     "We're missing something," I say, biting the inside of my cheek.

     "What is he isn't a he at all?" JJ asks.
     "The way the unsub killed does normally point to a female," I remark.

"Kathrine Bales, 35," Garcia finally has a name after hours of investigating. "Hold on, I'm sending you a location in five, four, three, two, one." I hear the clicking noise.
"All of us?" I ask.
Hotch nods, "All of us. She's on the move, and if we're right, she's about to strike again."
We drive quickly in SUVs. We know her pattern by now, she waits until the man of the house is alone, and she kills them. She stalks the families to know when he will be alone, when he gets home from work, or if the wife and kids will be away. One family was away at work and school, and the husband was killed when he got home. Another wife and kids were at a baseball game, and the father was at home on a conference call.
We have a narrowed down list of where she will strike next. They're all within similar and close-by neighborhoods. We split up in two groups with a few agents and a few officers.
I hold my gun up, walking next to Emily, Spencer, Rossi, and a few officers from the station we're working at right now.
I go to the back with my husband. "Hey Spence," I whisper. "There's someone inside." I point to the window on the back of the house.
He keeps guard, walking inside in front of me. We look at opposite sides of ourselves, making sure it's clear. "Drop your weapon!" I yell, spotting a woman holding a gun in her hands. A man turns to face us, he didn't even know she was there.
"He deserves to pay..."
"Drop your weapon!" I repeat.
The rest of the team and the officers come to meet us, but the sound of them behind the unsub startle her. She pulls the trigger.
It all happens so quickly... the gunshots, the blood. My scream rings out, but it doesn't even sound like it's from me. It sounds so distant. I drop down beside him.
"Stay with me."
"We need a medic, two people down, ones a federal agent!"
I push Spencer's hair back lightly with my palm. "Keep your eyes open, Spence. Stay with me."
I didn't even realize I was the one who pulled my trigger on the unsub. All I know is that she shot an agent, my husband, and it was defense.
"Y/n..." Spencer whispers as he's being lifted into one of the ambulances. I'm holding his hand.
"Shh, baby, I know. You'll be okay."
I climb in the back of the ambulance and grab onto Spencer's hand again.
"He's losing a lot of blood!"

"How is he?"
"He's in surgery right now, they said he lost a lot of blood, but hopefully it's not more serious than that." My voice is pretty low, I keep my eyes to the floor.
Morgan nods and takes a seat next to me. He grabs my hand, squeezing it. "He'll be okay." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Spencer Reid."
We all stand up.
"You can see him now, I'd suggest a few at a time. He hasn't woken up yet, he's suffered a lot of blood loss. He's stable right now, but he was on and off in the OR."
My eyes widen.
"You go first," Hotch says to me.
"You're the wife?"
I nod my head, and he leads me to the room.
Spencer is lying on a hospital bed, his eyes are closed. His breathing is steady. I scoot the chair closer to his bed. I grab his hand again.
"You're going to be okay," I say, but more for my reassurance.
The beeping starts to grow faster. His eyes filter under his eyelids, but they don't open. Spencer starts to shake.
Worry pulses through my entire body. A few years fall down my cheeks. As nurses come in I whisper, "I can't raise this baby alone, Spence. Please hold on for me, okay?" One hand of mine rests on my stomach.
They usher me out, and I go back into the waiting area. I'm still crying. Hotch comes closer to me, and I collapse onto his arms. I cry against his chest. He wraps his arms around me gently. I pull away after a while. "Sorry, I..."
"Y/n, it's okay."
I wipe away a tear from my eye. I sit back down, a hand resting on my abdomen.
I need Spencer to be okay. I can't do this without him. I can't do anything without him.
My eyes flutter shut after a while more of waiting.

"He's okay, Mrs Y/l/n- Reid. You can go see him now."
I let the rest of the team that stayed go see him while I call the others who went home.
"Okay. Thank you, Y/n. We're going to come up there."
I go into the room after everyone leaves. He's woken up, looking weak and tired.
"Hey baby," Spencer croaks out.
"How do you feel?"
"Like I got shot in the side."
I can't help but chuckle. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm glad you're okay.
He grabs my hand, rubbing soft circles with his thumb against the back of my hand.
"I talked to you, while you were asleep."
"What'd you say?"
Henry, JJ, and Will come walking into the room after a slight knock to let us know they're here. JJ is holding her youngest son on her hip.
Henry crawls on Spencer's bed, giving him a hug. "Uncle Spencie!"
"Hey big man!" Spencer says, ruffling his hair.
"Hey, Spence. I'm glad you're better," JJ says.
"Hey man," Will says.
"Don't get shot again, you almost made your wife crazy."
I chuckle, "Yeah no kidding."
They leave after a few hugs.
The doctor comes in later to let us know he's okay to go home. I drive us home, helping Spencer lie on the couch.
"Hello Hotch?" I answer my phone after helping Spencer into a t shirt.
"The unsub is fine. We're taking her in for questioning. Do you want to do it?"
"Yeah, I'll do it."
I tell Spencer I'm leaving in a few minutes, and that I'll come back soon. It's late already.
"Why'd you do it?" Emily asks the unsub.
"They deserved it," she says, not even trying to deny or change the subject.
TW RN- sexual assault
"Why?" I ask.
She pauses for a second, then I'm assuming she figures she's already been busted, so why not speak. "They're disgusting men."
"Because they're men or...?" I ask another question.
"They raped their daughters you know."
"What?" Emily and I both ask.
"I'm a therapist's assistant, I red the files. These men raped their daughters. They deserved to pay."
"Is that why you took the toys? Because they..."
"Because they were given them by their parents to help with their 'behavioral' issues. These men needed pay."
I can't say anything for a while. "You shot an innocent federal agent though. He didn't deserve that."
"If you're gonna go down, take someone with you."
After she says that, I leave the room. I get why she hated these men, but killing them isn't the answer. Shooting Spencer wasn't the answer.
"We called the cops, but they had no evidence. The girls never came out and admitted it, but we could tell."
I hear her from the other side of the one way glass. I think I'm going to be sick. This is horrible. A part of me doesn't even want this girl to be locked away, but the FBI agent in me knows that a killer is still a killer. And she shot my husband.

"Y/n," Spencer hollers from the bathroom. "What is this?" He comes out holding something. I know what it is immediately.
"What does it look like?" I say looking up at him from my seat on the bed.
"Are you... are you really?"
I nod my head. "Yeah."
He tosses the positive pregnancy test on the bed, tackling me with a hug. "Oh sorry," Spencer says patting my stomach.
I laugh at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you."
"I love you," he says, then he rubs my stomach, "and you."
I smile at the love of my life, I can't wait to start a family with him.

2058 words hope you like the final chapter yall!!!

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