chapter 5- Unsub part 2

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you pov:

I can't believe Harry Reynolds could be our unsub. It's scary to think that. He was just a kid when we met. He'd just turned 18 and his parents were worried he was showing signs of schizophrenia.
The main psychologist and I had 7 sessions with him before I left for the BAU. He was a nice kid. Harry was just scared of himself and the things his mind was telling him. I felt bad for him.
Garcia tracks his location and we find he's at a restaurant downtown. We arrive at the restaurant and clear everybody out with Hotch's booming voice yelling "FBI Harry Reynolds! Harry Reynolds!"
"He might be in the restroom," I say. "Reid go check if he's in there, you know what he looks like." Spencer comes out a moment later with a nod.
"Everybody out!" Hotch yells again.
Morgan and Emily lead everyone out of the restaurant.
"Hotch, let me talk to him."
"Let me talk to him, he was my patient. He'll confess to me, not the rest of you." I explain.
"Okay," he finally gives in, "We'll be right outside ready to come in at your cue."
I nod my head and the rest of the team leaves the building, standing just outside the windows and doors with local police as well.
     I can hear a cop say, "What the hell is she doing?"
     "She's got this," Hotch says. Good to know that my boss trusts me, even if he's faking it.
     I hear footsteps in the hallway by the bathrooms.
     "Harry?" I call out.
     He steps into my line of vision. Harry looks almost the same as he did almost 5 years ago. But he's skinnier, and the bags under his eyes are more prominently purple. He walks closer to me, and I take a step back.
     "Harry, did you do it?"
     "I haven't seen you in five years and that's what you ask me?"
     "That doesn't answer my question," I try to say it as softly as possible.
     "Put your gun down," he says.
     "I said put your gun down."
     I take my gun out of the back of the waistline of my jeans and set it on the ground. "Here." I say, letting him think he's in control.
     He points his knife toward me as he reaches for my gun and sets it on the counter behind him.
     "Did you notice?" he asks, a weird tone to his voice.
     "Notice what, Harry?" I know saying his name makes it more real for him. She can't detach himself from this, I won't let him.
     "They look like you."
      "What?" I breath.
      "The girls I killed, they look just like you."
      "They do?" I ask, trying to throw him off. Of course I freaking noticed.
     "Why?" I breath again.
     "So I could practice. For you."
     My heart stops, rising in my throat, and I feel like i'm going to throw it up.
     "You don't want to kill me," I say.
     "Yes I do! You left me. I was in love with you, and you left me with him!"
     "The psychologist?"
     "You left me with him!" his voice cracks.
     "Was he bad to you, Harry?" I ask softly.
     "He thought I was crazy."
      "No he didn't," I say calmly, "He was trying to help. We just wanted to help you."
     "You left me. Now you must pay!"
     Hotch and the rest of the team barge in with their weapons pointed at Harry. I step in front of them so they can't take their aim.
     "Harry, if you put your weapon down, I can help you again. I can help you and no one else has to get hurt," I try to reason with him.
     "You're lying!"
     "I'm not lying. I will help you." Tears start to burn in my eyes but I choke them down.
     I start to step closer to him, and Spencer gets too close to us for Harry's liking. Before I can utter another word, Harry's holding a knife to my throat.
I stand here while my old patient holds a knife right at the veins in my neck. Im scared. In my three and a half years in this line of work, I've never been more scared.
I struggle to breath, scared a blade will dig into my skin.
"Make them leave!" Harry commands at me.
"It's okay guys, you can go."
Hotch looks at me worried, but he trusts me. He and the team go back outside, ready to burst in at any moment to shoot.
Spencer doesn't leave though.
"Drop your gun," Harry tells him.
"Harry-" Spencer starts.
"I said drop your gun!"
"Okay, okay." Spencer drops his gun, just about a foot away from me and harry.
"You don't want to kill her," Spencer says with his hands up.
"You don't know me!"
"You said it yourself, you're in love with Y/n."
"I was. She left."
"You don't want to hurt her."
"Stop saying that!" I can tell he's fighting against his own mind too.
"You want to kill me."
"Spence-" I choke out before the knife digs into my skin, scratching me.
"What?" Harry says in shock.
"You want to kill me. Because Y/n and I are together. I made her forget you."
"Shut up."
"She's mine now. I love her, and she loves me."
"Shut up!"
"And after this is all over, we get to go home, and you'll never see her again."
Spencer might be taking this too far. But Harry removes the knife from my throat and points it at Spencer.
Now is my time. I have to make a move, and I have to do it fast. I drop to the floor and quickly grab Spencer's gun. I take my shot. I hit Harry right in the forehead with the bullet. He drops to the ground.
I can barely breathe as I watch my old patient die right in front of me with a hole in his head. Blood spills around him.
I hear Spencer call my name, but it sounds like he's miles away as he pulls me to my feet. The rest of the team piles in and Rossi calls for an ambulance.
I killed somebody. The first person who's blood is on my hands.

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