chapter 26- Belated Birthday

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kinda just a filler, but I think you should read it.

     "I don't even want to think about it right now."
     "You don't want to think about marrying me?" Reid looks hurt.
     "No, I just meant that this case is keeping us crazy busy, and I just don't want to make us both even more crazy by planning a wedding right now." I grab his hand.
     "Okay," he says with a slight smile.
      We move to sit by the rest of the team on the jet. I sit by Morgan, and Spence sits by JJ across from us.
     We've been tracking this guy for two days and still haven't found him. He's been leaving trails of bodies, he's teasing us for not catching him yet. What a freaking psychotic asshole.
     All the bodies are the opposite of alfa males. Is he trying to prove a point that he's stronger than them? They're all in the ages between 22 and 28. Mostly the nerdy- type scrawny guys.
The unsub has lead us to Colorado now, and when it first came up, it was in Tennessee. We were called in when his killing began in Kansas. I remember the phone call, Detective Goodman sounded frustrated and disturbed, I get why. I rushed to JJ right after the call to present her the case and talk about it.

"Well, I'm beat," I say, slumping into my fiancé's desk chair after we all finish the files from the case we finished this morning. "I'm going to go home and sleep."
"No you're not," Spencer says.
"Because we're celebrating your birthday. We all are."
"My birthday was 4 months ago," I chuckle.
"Yeah and you were undercover so we couldn't celebrate," JJ says.
"You guys don't have to-"
"Please?" Spencer looks at me with pleading puppy dog eyes.
"Okay," I grin.
We all meet at a restaurant, not too fancy, but not fast food, and we sit at a table.
"Happy birthday Y/n!" Emily says.
"Thank you. All of you."
We eat our food, and Spencer holds my hand under the table.
"So when am I going to get to plan this wedding?" Rossi asks.
"Not sure. I think we're going to wait a little while," I say. I look at Spencer, and he nods.

"We should go clubbing!" Morgan suggests after we all pay for our meals. "There's a club two blocks down."
They all look at me, and I say, "Why not? I could get drunk right now."
Penelope orders her and me shots when we arrive, I take it and let the liquid burn my throat. After she takes two, she joins Derek on the dance floor.
I chat with JJ and Emily while we people watch.
"Did I just see Hotch take a shot?"
"Oh my gosh I think he did," JJ laughs.
Penelope comes back later when Morgan leaves to grab a drink. As she pulls me and the other girls onto the dance floor, I finish my shot.
The four of us dance, well mostly just jump around, amongst a crowd of people. I start screaming the lyrics to the song playing, and the girls laugh at me, joining in.

spencer pov:

I scan the crowd of people while I sit at the bar. I'm not sure where Y/n is until I see her dancing and singing loudly with Emily, Garcia, and JJ. She looks like she's having fun.
"Damn she's perfect," I say out loud.
Morgan has already came up and stood beside me. "You're so whipped," he says, throwing his arm around my neck. "Two tequila shots please," he tells the bartender with a wink.
"I don't want anything, I've got to drive Y/n home."
"Lame," he says, downing both the shots and joining Rossi in on a game of darts.
Y/n breaks away from the girls and the crowded dance floor. "Come dance with us!"
"Nah, I'd rather just watch."
"Come on baby, live a little!" She grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. I'm not entirely sure what to do, but she leads me.
After a while, I'm over it. "Too many people," I say, and head back to the bar. She follows.
"Rum and coke, please," Y/n tells the bartender. She takes a drink as soon as she gets it. "Have a drink, Spence."
"I'm your d.d, can't."
"Okay," she sighs, taking another drink.
After talking to me for a while, Y/n leaves back onto the dance floor with Morgan and Penelope and Emily.
JJ comes and sits by me. "Too much dancing," she says with a laugh.
I chuckle, still watching my fiancé.
"You're really good together," she says.
"Thank you, JJ."
"It means a lot coming from you."
"Yeah you're one of my best friends," I tell her.
She takes a drink, shooting me a smile.
I turn my attention back to Y/n, she's broken apart from the others. A man is dancing with her, and I see him grab her butt. I can't tell if she's pushing him off or not, but I know her. My blood boils with rage.
I walk over to them without another word to JJ who I hear say "Spencer, don't kill him."
"Get off of me creep!" Y/n yells, pushing him away.
"Come on baby," he says.
"She said get off of her," I say turning him around to face me. "She's not available. And even if she was, when a girl says leave them alone, you leave them alone.
"What are you gonna do about it?" I smell the alcohol on his breath.
"You're drunk, go."
The guy tries to swing a punch, but I catch his hand and pin it behind his back like I'm going to handcuff him. "I said go."
I release him, and he leaves with a grunt and a "F*ck you."
"You okay?"
"Yeah," Y/n breathes, smoothing down her silk top.
I lead her back to the bar so she can sit down. I order a beer.
"I thought you weren't drinking tonight?"
I shrug and take a swig.

your pov

I sit with Spencer as he drinks his beer, and I finish my rum and coke.
"I should've just flashed him my badge, maybe he would've ran scared."
"Guys like that are pigs," Spencer says. I agree.
"Yeah, but some how they still get girls."
I lean my head on his shoulder while we watch the crowd of people. We've been here for about two hours, Hotch left an hour ago. I see JJ heading out now, she waves us a goodbye.
Rossi and Morgan are playing darts again, I can see Rossi is kicking his ass. Penelope and Emily come back to the bar to order more drinks.
We all sit together for a while. "You ready to head home?"
I nod my head. Spencer calls Emily and Garcia an urber.
"You okay to drive?"
"Yeah, I only had half a drink," he says.

When we get home, I start flirting with Spencer.
"You need to-"
I push my finger up against his mouth, telling him to shh. "You looked pretty hot defending me out there."
"I wasn't trying to look hot, he touched you."
"Yeah, only you can touch me," I say, putting his hands on my waist.
"Y/n, I really think you should get some rest."
"You're probably right, but that's boring."
"We can do this anytime, get some sleep," he chuckles.
"Okay fine."
I strip down in the living room and throw him my clothes. I change into his t shirt and slide into our bed. Spencer comes in slightly later.
"You're gonna get it for being a brat, but that can wait."
I smile smugly while nuzzling into the comforter. Spencer kisses my forehead before lying down next to me.
"I love you."
"I love you too, baby girl."
I fall asleep in our place, in our bed, facing my fiancé.

1335 words. honestly have no idea how i'm going to end this story. I have a few ideas actually, but idk. are y'all liking it so far?

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