Chapter 1- Can I Ask You A Question

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Your pov (first person):
Another stressful but successful week at the FBI's Behavior Analysis Unit completed. Morgan tackled a serial killer who tried to run away just a few hours ago. The rest of the team and I just arrived back to Virginia, and we get to go home after a long week.
JJ and I put away all the case files before I head outside to my car. I run into a tall figure coming out of the restroom. It's none other than the awkward genius Spencer Reid.
I've known Spencer since I started working at the BAU, so for three years. He was one of the first people I met actually. Hotch introduced me to JJ and JJ introduced me to everyone else on the team. I mean, Derek Morgan is one fine man, but I've always had a soft spot for Reid's adorable awkward vibe.
"Ah. Sorry, Y/n," he says looking down at me, avoiding much eye contact.
"It's okay, Reid," I laugh.
"But I spilled your coffee."
Yeah, he did but it's okay because his stammering is making up for it.
"All good, just a few drops," I tell him.
"I can help you clean it up."
"No need."
"Um okay, sorry."
He started to turn away, before I said-
"Hey Spencer-?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, go ahead Y/n." He smiles.
"It's a weird favor to ask, and you can say no. But if you could maybe pretend to be my boyfriend in front of my mom? I know it's crazy, but she's like really protective and judgy of who I date, and she would not approve of my boyfriend. Just for one night and maybe I can get the balls to tell her the truth."
"Umm, sure?"
"You don't have to..."
"I will. You've done a lot for me."
"I've bought you a coffee like once, Spence."
"Well you've done a lot for the team, so why not?"
"Thank you." I say, smiling.
"Of course, Y/n. When is this occurring? "
"Tomorrow night. Pick me up at 6... please."
"See you then," he says with a smile.

My boyfriend, Jake, is definitely the type of person my mom would tell me not to hang around. Even though I'm a 26 year old adult and can do what I want. He has tattoos and would be considered the "bad boy" if we were in school. Jake's sort of an asshole to most people. He's nice to me though, most of the time. We watch movies together and go on lowkey dates. It's fun. His friends are just a little much.
Spencer is a lifesaver for this favor. He's always been really sweet to me, I guess he's just a genuinely nice person. I know my mom will love him.
I've been the "good girl" of the family since I was little. Straight A's, didn't party, never drank, I never even hit a blunt until I was 23 (didn't like it by the way), and I only dated one other boy until Jake. It was senior year and he was my main competition for valedictorian. He was cute and obviously smart, but he wasn't as perfect as he seemed. All he wanted to do was have sex and shit, I think it's because he made new friends that year. Anyway, my point here is that guys aren't always what they seem. I guess it's a good thing he left after I told him I didn't want to do things.
I finally reach my cozy Quantico apartment. I live about 30 minutes from the BAU and a little over 30 from Washington DC.
Walking past my mostly white kitchen, I see my reflection in a body- length mirror I have hanging up. I see the coffee stain on my blue blouse, I just chuckle at it before unbuttoning the shirt and taking it off.
I climb up the fairly short staircase that leads to the loft part of my apartment and head to the bathroom. I do my normal after work routine, brush my teeth, take my dirty blonde hair out of it's neat ponytail, and throw on an oversized t shirt and some comfy shorts.
Finally, it's time to crawl into bed and get to sleep. My clock reads 11:39pm. I'm freaking tired.
Tomorrow my fake boyfriend will meet my mother. My expecting nothing less than perfect mother. Good because Spencer Reid is pretty damn perfect. Maybe too much so.
After texting my real boyfriend goodnight,
with a yawn, I set my phone down and doze off to sleep.

thank you for reading aahhh! love you Reiders<3 778 words

BAU- Spencer Reid x reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt