The aura released is still  same and is able to attract others to stare at it without getting bored.  He glanced at the clock on his wrist and sipped a little water to wet his slightly dry throat while waiting for the person he wanted to meet.

He felt strange when their place of meeting was one of the most famous hotels in Thailand and he was sure that his father's business partner was a dignitary who was not just any person.  Because to enter the hotel must have an appointment or invitation card from the owner of the hotel.

Not many people can access this hotel, most famous artists also did not manage to enter it because what he heard was that the hotel was built to their son.

The decoration is very luxurious, far leaving other luxury hotels compared with the naked eye.  The arrival of the hotel owner was greeted by the staff and they took him to his desk.

Mew, who was still staring at his mobile phone, did not notice the arrival of the two people if he was not reprimanded by his assistant.  Because he was busy receiving messages from his daughter, he did not care about the situation around him.  Moreover, he was in that place earlier than the promised time.

A : "Sir, they are here"

Mew put his phone back in his pocket and stood to shake hands with the person.  But when he looked at the two people in front of him, the movement of his hand stopped for a moment.  Stiff and does not move at all.

He did not think that the person who wanted to meet him was both parents from his ex-lover.  His mouth seemed to be gilded with gold and his lips were sewn so tightly.  Not a single word came out from his mouth.

He was so shocked and cold sweat began to come out from his body.  His heart, which had always thought that something would happen in this meeting, was true.  Because the meeting for him was too awkward and strange.  Usually his assistant will tell who will meet him, but not this time.

Daniel : "Mew right? I know that you know us with your reaction"

Mew : "Yes sir"

Dania : "Seat first. We have something to ask you and can your assisstant....."

A : "I will leave you with Sir Suppasit."

Dania : "Thank you for understanding"

After his assistant left the hotel, Mew looked back at the two people sitting opposite him.  He felt like a little boy being scolded by both his parents for committing an offense and waiting to be punished.

They both looked like hungry lions, were not given food for several days and were confined in cages.  And if released, they will surely devour whatever is in front of them and that includes himself who is like fresh meat that has just been removed from the kitchen, is still warm and emits its delicious aroma.

Daniel : "We are Gulf's parents. We ask your father to meet you because we want to know something"

Mew : ".............."

Dania : "We doesn't want to pressure you but we must do it before it's too late."

Daniel : "Straight to the point because i don't want to waste my time. What your relationship with my son?"

Mew raised his face when the question was addressed to him.  His hands gripped each other so tightly that the veins of his hands were clearly visible on the surface of his hands.

Mew : "..............."

Dania : "We not mad at you Mew. We just want confirmation of this problem. Our son hide something from us, he look so gloomy not like he five years ago. What happen to you guys?"

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