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The five pairs of eyes all headed towards him, especially the eyes that were next to him. His body began to feel cold from the human eyes.....

Dania : "What are you said Mick?"

Mick : "Oh nothing. Maybe you hear something wrong"

Mark : "Yes grandma. He ask me something. That's why you hear he said something"

Dania : "Oh okay"

Mary : "This is Mark and this is Mick. They are my cousin."

Minnie : "Why you not tell me about you have cousin? I thought you are the only grandchild in your family"

Mary : "I think that too at first. But yesterday my uncle from China back to grandpa house with them. He said that they are his sons, so they are my cousin"

Minnie : "How about your aunty?"

Mary : "My uncle never married. He pregnant the twins.. Opss..."

Mark : "Why you tell them? It's our family private things. They are stranger"

Mary : "She is my friend and she is trusted person."

Mick : "Trusted or not, this is not your concern. Never ever tell our life story to anybody"

Minnie : "So the conclusion, your papa is your mother and you doesn't have daddy right, why not share my daddy with you two?"

Mark : "We doesn't need daddy! And we doesn't need your daddy too! We only need our papa!"

Mick : "Let's go Mark. I hate look their face"

They both walked towards the opposite direction from where they came from. Fearing the loss of the two of them, Rania quickly grabbed Mary's hand and dragged her away to approach the twin who had already left them.

Minnie : "They hate you daddy"

Mew : "Ermm daddy know"

Minnie : "By the way, we got good news that uncle Gulf never get married and that girl we look that day, not his wife"

Mew : "................"

Minnie : "Step by step daddy. Minnie know, one day you will back together with them in one family"

Mew : "Im afraid that Gulf now it's not Gulf daddy know. The person can change in just one night when their heart broken with someone they love. And daddy hurt his heart until he doesn't want look daddy face again"

Minnie : "Someone can change when their heart hurt, that's true but someone love can't change easily especially if it is first love and true love."

Mew : "You give daddy advice like pro in the relationship. Minnie has boyfriend?"

Minnie : "I have. Hehehe"

Mew : "What?? You still young Minnie"

Minnie : "And? Daddy still young too to get those twins"

Mew : "That different story"

Minnie : "It is still same daddy. The different in this case only we should know how to protect our love. Don't leave them alone, keep beside them. Face the challenge together"

Mew : "You so matured with your age"

Minnie : "Because Minnie is daddy's daughter. I need to matured more than anyone children. And.......the most reason is because i have childish father"

Mew : "You....come here...don't run..."

Minnie ran away from Mew after saying that. Deliberately she uttered the following words to tease his father and immediately to divert the topic of their conversation. She did not want his father to be plagued by the past.

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