            • Confidence comes from competence.

#Do It
            • Nobody owes you shit. The world doesn't owe you shit. If you want something, go and do something to get it.

#Accurate Thinking
            • Be a realistic optimist. Believe in yourself and what you do but also see things for what it is exactly. Knowing the downside helps you prepare for it. (What could go wrong. What I don't know and what I don't see) 


#Give and you shall receive
              • Think about people and what can you do to add value. This will help you be successful because the market place is always looking for value.

               • Life is short, we don't have enough time, so make it happen.

            • If you want a great future, a world where you're happy, get your assistance out there and earn it.
            • The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

                                           - Malcolm X

            •  Rich people do what's hard that's why their life is easy. Poor people do what's easy that's why their life is hard.  - Dan Lok

       • Extreme clarity yields extreme result.
       • You can't make effective action without clarity.
       • The decision you make today will decide where you'll be in the future.


#Pain and Sacrifice
        • What pain are you willing to sustain?
        • There's always a price for everything that you want in life so before implementing anything, decide what price are you willing to pay.
        • Success has a price and there's no easy payment. You must pay it in advance. You'll know you've paid enough when you accomplish success.

#Success Stacking
              • “You don't set out to build a wall. You don't say 'I'm going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that's ever been built.' You don't start there. You say, 'I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.”     - Will Smith


#Morning Routine
              • Prioritize your important task and do it first while you still have the energy. Least important task can be done later since its not urgent and you can still do it even though you're lacking energy.

#Cognitive Reappraisal
               • To avoid choking (Pressure in achieving goals)


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