" wait... Emmm.. Just wait.. Grandma doesn't like much rice and she always eats her rice with stew no matter how u cook it... I suggest you remove one plate and go serve the three other guests... I will just take her own, reduce the rice and add a little stew on it.. You can come back and pick hers.. Okay?? " Sandra said with a smile
Damaris nodded,  removed one plate and then left with the remaining 3 plates. .

Demaris stopped at the kitchen door as she noticed Sandra adding a whitish powdered substance to the food that she dished for grandma....

"why are you adding salt to the food??... I don't think grandma likes raw salt on her food.. She told me once certain time that she doesn't likes salt like that"  Damaris said as she walked towards.
Sandra on hearing Damaris voice, quickly folded something which demaris saw as a white paper and hid in her bra...
"oh Damaris " she smiled at her..." you are here already?? "

Damaris didn't smile at her...
" the salt??... Why please?? " demaris repeated..

" emm actually.. The stew didn't have enough salt in it, it tasted flavorless so I decided to add just a little more salt. I didn't add much.. Just a pinch.. It's not much... I'm sorry I didn't know she didn't respond well to salt... She never told me" Sandra said with a shaky voice but Damaris just overlooked.

"it's alright... Well at least now you know she doesn't do well with raw salt, so we can watch for next time. I really don't like seeing her in the hospital " Damaris said as she carried the food away to the parlor
" mom no need to check my results, I don't think I passed.. Am little nervous about this whole thing " Pharoah said as he was sweating like someone who ran a marathon race.. He hardly touched the beans that his mom brought out to select, his face was down

" no son,... Please don't say that.. Have you forgotten all I taught you?.. Never to say negative things??... Just have faith that you passed.. And I believe in you my son " Dianne rubbed his head and smield at him... She wasn't really strong with her words because honestly, she had her doubts too.

" Hahahahahahahaha" Nicholas laughed he was listening to the radio, holding it close to his ear.... He slowly brought down the radio and turned it off..
"I hope you heard your son?? " He asked looking happy.." He said he is not even sure he will pass!.. Hahahaha"

"what's funny? " Dianne asked with a stern look

" nothing.. (still laughing).. Nothing... " He brought out his snuff box and took a pinch and sniffed hard.. Then he burst out laughing again that he almost poured away his snuff on his palm... "education is not for everyone ooo" He said and turned on the radio again and put it close to his ears
Dianne hissed loudly at him and continued selecting the beans on the tray..... She couldn't concentrate anymore

"sweetie.. Why don't you go now and check it.. I heard the principal leaves the office by 6pm...ahd it's already 5pm...please son.. Just go... Anyhow the news is, we will accept it in good faith " she said

" no mom......... You go... I can't go.. Go and check it for me... I feel feverish " Pharoah said in a very low tone

" okay I will " she said without wasting a second... She stood up and dropped the tray... Wore her brown sandals and made way for the door
" hahahahahahahaha " pharoahs dad's voice rang from inside
(11pm midnight same day)
Betty ran downstairs with full speed to the parlor where Austin sat alone, watching the 11 o'clock news...  The sound coming from the stairs was a clear indication that all was not well,  and seeing his wife rush down with her bright red nightgown crowned his worries.

"what is that??????? "  Austin asked as he got up with the remote in his hand

" mama... Mama... Mama... Mama.. " Betty couldn't find her words

" mama did what???... What's wrong?? " He asked as he rushed upstairs even leaving his crying wife behind
He opened the door and went cold at the sight he saw
Grandma was foaming seriously through her mouth and her black pupil went in only revealing the white part of the eyes... A horrible sight indeed
He ran to check if she was still breathing....
Betty couldn't say anything but cried out her eyes

" she is still breathing.... Quick!!... Get my car keys!!!... Tell Mohammed to open the gate!!!...  Wake Sandra... We are going to the hospital, hurry!!!! " Austin shouted.

Austin pulled his gear backwards and in no time he screeched the tyres of his black Toyota camry as he wheeled out of the compound.
Everyone kept silent.. It was as an ill-fated news had already returned... No one dared talk to his neighbor... Everyone prayed silently in his or her heart.. Austin couldn't sit... Betty was already on the floor with her hands on her head crying... Damaris looked confused and worried.. Sandra consoled Betty
The doctor opened the door to the ward where grandma was, walking with empty syringes in a stainless tray

"doctor what's the problem??... What's wrong? " Austin met him..
The doctor sighed, possibly deliberating on how best to say what he just had to say

" Some of her internal organs are failing quickly, It's a result of some kind of poison" the doctor said to Austin

"poison???????? " everyone shouted....
Immediately an elderly nurse came out.. Walking slowly towards the doctor

"Felicia what's wrong?? " the doctor asked

" we lost her just now doctor " she said in a low tone.
Everyone was mute.

" I'm sorry"

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