Chapter 6

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It didn't take long to get to Tankazu Town from where Naruto had nearly passed out at. Kakashi took everybody to a hotel to pay for four rooms for a single nights stay. Normally, he wouldn't have bought out for a night this early, but the next town over was quite a ways and Naruto was clearly in no condition to be moving around much.

After he'd got the room keys from the lady at the head desk, he turned to the others

"Sakura, you'll be getting your own room." Kakashi said, handing her the room key, before looking at his other two students, handing the key to Sasuke. "Naruto and Sasuke, you two will have to share one. And you two will be sharing a room as well."

Right as Kakashi gave Izumi a key, Naruto, as expected, wasn't just going to sit still without protesting to the placement.

"What? Why do I have to share a room with Sasuke?!" Naruto demanded. "Why can't I have my own room or something?"

"Because I said so, Naruto." Kakashi sighed. "Just do as I asked, please..."

"Yeah, believe me. The last thing I want to do is share a room with you, but I'd rather not focus on it anymore than I have to. So just get over it already, dobe." Sasuke muttered, starting to walk off towards the room number listed on his key.

"Hmph..." Naruto folded his arms, irritated. "If it was with Sakura-chan, I wouldn't mind, but-" Naruto started to say, but was cut off when Sakura gave him a small smack in the back of his head.

"Don't even think about it, Naruto." She scolded him. "Just do what Kakashi-sensei said. And get some rest while you're at it."

"Fine...! Fine...!" Naruto groaned, before following after Sasuke. He was still kind of feeling sick anyway. It wouldn't hurt to sleep it off a bit.

Their room number was a couple halls down, but not particularly far, so it was easy to find. Sasuke gave Naruto a brief, unreadable glance, before unlocking the room and opening it for both of them to enter.

"Hmph, just don't talk to me, usuratonkachi... I'm going to lay down for a while." Sasuke said, throwing his bag down beside one of the beds in the room, sitting on its soft surface and taking off his shoes. Due to his nightmares as of late, he hadn't been getting much sleep, so he would be lying if he said he wasn't tired. Besides, it wasn't like they were going anywhere.

"I hadn't planned on it..." Naruto muttered bitterly, going to the other side of the room and laying his bag on the floor as well. Well, at least he wasn't having to share a bed with Sasuke as well.

He sighed, deciding to lay down himself. It actually didn't take long to drift off to sleep.

However, at some point later on, he was suddenly jolted awake by loud moaning. He looked over to see Sasuke tossing and turning in his bed.

Was he... having a nightmare?

"...Sasuke...?" he called out, hesitantly.

When there was no reply, he got up and approached his rival's sleeping body. The raven haired boy's eyebrows were creased. Clearly, whatever the dream was, it must have been bad for it to get him this upset. Could it have something to do with his past...? Nonetheless, he didn't like seeing him like this.

What should I do...?

"...Hey..., Sasuk-" he reached out to touch Sasuke's shoulder in an attempt to wake him up, but was caught off guard when Sasuke suddenly leaped out of bed, grabbing his neck in a choke hold. His sharingan was activated, and he was glaring. Not at him though, it was more like past him.

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