Chapter 2

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I do not own the image above. 

The italic text is the dream, or something happening inside a character's head. 


When my eyes opened all I could see was darkness and a bright light in it's center... not light but fire. Walking towards it, I couldn't help but notice the temperature in the room spike the closer I got to the light. It seemed as if the light had been looking back at me. Before I could move or talk the ball of fire was rushing towards me, faster than I could move. My powers were useless here, I was utterly human. As the ball of fire came close it automatically slowed down, as if It could tell no danger was present. The fire was not a ball but a woman. Looking closer I could make out the face of a woman with bright blonde hair and blue eyes ringed with gold. The crown on top of her head was tight as if it had been placed there as a shackle to stop her from escaping an eternity of darkness and torture. The girl was screaming in agony, hoping someone would come save her, but no one else was there other than me. The moment I touched the ball of fire hoping to subdue the girl's screams, everything burned. I couldn't feel anything other than the fire burning my skin. I was screaming into an endless void hoping someone could hear my plea too.

Someone was shaking me, calling out my name. Not someone, my mate, my Rhys. I could hear his voice getting louder and louder just as the pressure on my shoulder increased.

My eyes flew open to see Rhys in front of me, terrified with tears in his eyes.

"You're okay" he said, holding me close to his heart as if he wanted to save me from whatever horrors I had just witnessed. "Want to talk about it?" I looked down, not being able to meet his gaze. He held my chin gently and brought my face to his, "you can talk to me Feyre". I finally met his eyes and opened my mind to him, showing him everything I had seen. His eyes had no judgment, no pity, only love and fear. His only response was a tighter hug while he wrapped his wings around my body.


5 years after the war with Hybern and I thought everything was finally going back to normal. My beautiful mate slept peacefully beside me with her hair covering half her face from the sunlight. Last night, after so many years she had a nightmare; she was so terrified the entire manor was enveloped with her dark power. My eyes teared remembering the night.

"Feyre! Feyre! Wake up! Everything is okay, come back!" All I got back in response was a louder scream. She was hurting and there was no way I could help her other than pull her out of it. 

I hoped you liked the second part. Let me know if I should work on anything or fix something. Thank you for reading !! 

A Court of Old and New (ACOTAR and TOG Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang