Start from the beginning

He turned to her. "What does this Belle mean? Do you know who?" Belle nodded head, said.

"I know. I know him very much".

"So you know this person was. Should you tell Emma about this, you know. You two are sisters and she shall know about this".

Belle staring up at Jake, her face completely wanting to eat him alive. "Whoa Belle relax I didn't mean to but.. yeah you should have told her".

Lunch break. Later. They sat under the same tree, Emma read the card out loud that only Belle and Jake could hear her.

She then shoves the card back to Belle, sigh. "Definitely Mr. Gibson. Look at his hand writing, his expression but?"

"He's getting married?" said Jake.

"Yeah. So my feelings are fifty-fifty about this. It sounds like him but what if it wasn't him who wrote this to you Belle. Probably someone did and has the same handwriting and has the same feelings for you. Could be students, gay, lesbian.. who know right".

Too much curiosity. Emma chuckled. "Or stalker. O.G sounds like Opera Ghost to me. If it is true Mr. Gibson gave you this Roses and card, well I let you know that he can't even sing Belle".

"I don't care if he can sing or not, what I care is who? Who gives these Roses!"

Jake bit his lips, he didn't dare to say this cause he still hadn't seen Gibson right in front of him. Curious he was, he really wanted to know who this Gibson was.

"Roses are my favorite flowers among others!" Belle shouts, everyone who walks past the tree hears her. "I want the truth!"

"This is a tricky answer to say Belle. Whoever did this really knows you much". said Jake. He turns to Emma. "Belle thought it was from me".

"That good Jake. A friend gives flowers to another friend. That doesn't matter. The problem is we are gonna find out who did this".

Emma breathed and looked around the place. They sit in silence for a while. "I can't think straight, it's killing me!"

Jake shrugged. "If you guys still pointed at this Gibson's man. He is about to get married like you guys say to me. I don't think he will do that and his wife will find the truth and she will probably attack Belle right now". Emma nodded.

"Jealousy? yes. You were right about women Jake. You are new here so don't think that much could bother you".

"What if Gibson fakes it as his own marriage?" Belle guessed. "Could be right, he did. Marriage, moving out but not resigning his position was part of his tricks to get me".

Jake frowned, said. "You mean all these things are tricks?"

"Oh Belle darling, don't be so sure about it".

"What if it is true Emma? What if he did all this to get me as I am not aware? I am not scared but it bothers me and I am not accusing him, just precaution safety".

"And we must prove him guilty. We can't charge him like that".

Smirking. Belle out of her mind. "There's something I want to tell you, Emma". Emma hushes her. "I do. I do need to tell you something".

"I already know Belle. He went to L.A and stalked you there. I know (Belle was confused about how she knew already before she could tell her) I've told you before that you can't lie".

Jake turns. "Really?"

"She is. If Belle is lying her eyes blinking or twitching, lips stuttering and pale, like she has seen a ghost floating through her. That Belle you should know that Jake".

"Really? All right. So all this is connected between Belle and this Gibson. Still we need to prove his guilt (Emma nod agrees) all of a sudden make sense".

Belle put the Roses and card on her side. Sigh, probably she is overthinking about Gibson trying to get her.

Think positive Belle.

He won't get you as the matter of fact the wedding is coming. The neighborhood not even Belle or Emma know when Gibson will get married. He shut himself out of the world.

"Was my guess wrong?"

Emma gently shake head. "Probably. Probably not. Who knows, we can't read the future Belle". Jake reach Belle hand,

Emma eyes wide. What the hell..

"Belle. All I ask you to be more careful while you're alone. Was it true or not you must look after yourself. Listen to me Belle.. (eyes met her) I believe this Gibson will not stop hunting you, and you are his prey. His obsession toward you is crazy, so you should be more careful. I am saying this because we are friends, or more than friends".

Emma eyed him then went back to Belle. He spoke back. "This is just the beginning Belle. He will do anything to have you, if you try to fight.. your life is in his hand".

𝗧𝗘𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗢𝗕𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now