Chapter 16

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Elena POV

" Omg this place is huge! " I said looking down at the huge ice rink. There were people skating across the ice and some skated round the edge.

" You like it? " asked Stefan squeezing my hand.

" Like? I love it! " I said pulling Stefan into a hug. I looked at his face, grinning kissing his cheek. He leaned close to my lips.

" Nope. Stefan we have to wait till the end of the date " I said. He pouted. I giggled taking his arm.

" Hi welcome to Mystic Rink. What your shoe size? " asked the woman behind the counter. Stefan and I told the lady our show sizes and got given our skates. I sat on the bench tying up my skates. Stefan sat beside me and helped me.

" Such a gentleman " I smirked.

" I know " he said smirking back. Once I was in my skates, Stefan pulled his on and stood up. He took my hand and walk towards the rink. I stood on to the ice with Stefan. Stefan kept his hand in mine as we skated to the centre.

" I haven't been in skates for ages " I said to Stefan.

" My mom used to take me here everyday. I used to beg her to go if she said we couldn't go. This place hasn't changed at all  " Stefan said looking round the decorations for Christmas.

" Let's do truth's " I said.

" Okay. Favourite colour? " he asked. I giggled.

" Really? Out of all the questions, you ask that! Fine, mmm cyan and aqua " I shrugged.

" Me too! " he said. I giggled at his entusiasm.

" Okay, I'm next. Favourite food in 3...2...1.." I said.

" Pizza! " we both said. I burst out laughing.

" We are are alike.  " said Stefan chuckling. We continued the questions and laughing at each other's responses.

" Let me get this straight. If you could eat any ice cream flavour in the world it would be mint chocolate! " I said as we skid along the ice.

" Yes! Who would want pizza flavoured ice cream? " he asks.

" Excuse me! At least I'm creative! " I scoffed.

" I really want to kiss you but I have to wait till the end of the date. Oh crap we have to get off " Stefan said looking round the rink at the people scurrying off the rink.

" Aw. Okay let's go " I said skating towards the exit. We sat on the benches and started untying our laces. Stefan of course helped me pull of the shoes.

" Where to next? " I asked.

" It's a secret " he said pulling a blindfold out from his back pocket, grinning.

" Your not serious?  I asked rolling my eyes.

" It's a secret. You can't see " he said. I shrugged at walked towards him. He placed the material round my eyes and tied it lightly behind my head.

" You have to make sure I don't walk in to anything! " I said.

" Trust me, I won't " he said. It was pitch black and all I could feel was the cold air and Stefan's hands on my arm. He led me forward and took a left. His hands never left mine as he walked across the concrete. He suddenly stopped. I felt my feet hit grass and got confused.

" Are we here, Stefan? " I asked. I felt hands behind my head untying the blindfold. I gasped. It was the most beautiful thing in the world!

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